Chapter 26 (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

As Avery made her way to find Chaney, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement mixed with a hint of nervousness. The sensation of the Ben Wa balls inside her was a constant reminder of the forbidden pleasure she shared with Omar. It was a delicious secret that made her heart race and her body ache with desire.

Finding Chaney already waiting by the car, Avery quickly joined her friend, trying to act casual despite the intimate secret she held within her. Chaney raised an eyebrow at Avery's flushed cheeks and slightly disheveled appearance, but before she could say anything, Omar emerged from the house, looking every bit the picture of cool and collected.

"Ready to go?" he asked, his gaze lingering on Avery for a moment longer than necessary. Avery nodded, her pulse quickening at the thought of what the night might hold.

As they drove towards the festival, the anticipation in the air was palpable. Avery couldn't help but steal glances at Omar, her body humming with desire at the thought of what might happen once they were alone again. The music blaring from the speakers seemed to echo the pounding of her heart, a rhythm of excitement that promised a night full of forbidden pleasures.

"We have to go and meet with my security team and agent so I can take a few promotional pictures, then we can get the evening started," Omar explained to both Avery and Chaney as they were led by a member of the events staff down a quiet passage only intended for artist and VIP guests.

"Sometimes I forget you're a celebrity," Chaney smiled teasingly at her best friends boyfriend, making both Avery and Omar laugh.

"I'm not a celebrity, I'm a boxer," Omar explained. "The celebrity shit comes with the territory of winning, but I don't think I am."

Avery couldn't help but admire Omar's humility despite his fame and success. As they reached the designated area, Omar greeted his security team and agent with a warm smile, effortlessly slipping into his public persona.

While the promotional photos were being taken, Avery couldn't shake the feeling of the metal balls inside her, a constant reminder of the intimate connection she shared with Omar. She stole a glance at him, seeing the way he interacted with the staff and fans who approached him for pictures and autographs. There was a magnetic charm about him that drew people in, but Avery knew the side of him that was reserved only for her.

Once the formalities were over, Omar led Avery and Chaney towards the main stage, the music growing louder as they approached. The energy of the crowd was infectious, the excitement in the air mingling with the anticipation building inside Avery.

"Would you guys prefer to take in Sza's set from the crowd or backstage?" Omar asked, smirking as he watched both Avery and Chaney's eyes go wide with excitement.

"Backstage, definitely backstage!" Chaney exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement at the thought of being so close to the action.

Avery nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of anticipation at the prospect of watching the performance from a more intimate vantage point. Omar chuckled at their enthusiasm before leading them towards the backstage area.

As they settled into a prime spot to watch the show, Avery felt a thrill run through her as the music pulsed through the air. The combination of the electrifying performance and the sensation coursing within her made her heart race with excitement. Omar stood beside her, his presence a comforting and intoxicating presence.

As Sza took the stage, the crowd erupted into cheers, the music washing over them in a wave of sound. Avery couldn't tear her eyes away from the stage, her body swaying to the rhythm of the music as she felt the metal balls inside her move with each beat.

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