Chapter 23

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Marcus felt a wave of nausea wash over him as he observed Avery having sex, yet he found himself unable to tear his gaze away

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Marcus felt a wave of nausea wash over him as he observed Avery having sex, yet he found himself unable to tear his gaze away. The hidden cameras he had strategically placed in her living space were discreet but provided a crystal-clear view of the scene unfolding before him.

His hand clenched into a tight fist as he witnessed Omar's firm grasp on her, guiding her movements as they communicated in hushed tones. Although the words exchanged were inaudible to Marcus, Avery's reactions spoke volumes, indicating her pleasure in the moment.

A tumultuous mix of anger, jealousy, and betrayal churned within Marcus, causing his heart to race in his chest. How could Avery betray him like this? While he had come to terms with their breakup, seeing her with another ignited a fierce rage within him.

Though he acknowledged Avery's virtues as a woman, facing his role in their relationship's downfall was a bitter pill to swallow. Marcus believed he had offered her everything she could desire, despite not possessing the same level of wealth and resources as Omar. He was comfortable in his own right and believed that should have been enough.

In Marcus' eyes, if only Avery had followed his lead and heeded his advice, their relationship would not have soured as it had. He was convinced that had she trusted and complied with him, he could have provided her with lasting happiness. On paper, their careers in corporate law and accounting seemed like a perfect match, but the reality of their situation was far from ideal.

Marcus was demeaning towards her and often made Avery feel worthless, he didn't care to make her jealous with women he found himself around, regardless if they had an intimate relationship.

In all it was as if he enjoyed seeing her hurt by his actions, like he got a kick out of talking down to her and making sure she knew her place in their relationship.

Pausing the clip as Omar pulled Avery from his lap and positioned her on her hands and knees, Marcus took in the mixture of lust and satisfaction written across her face. Slamming his laptop shut, he placed it down on the bed beside him.

Grabbing his phone, Marcus pulled up his messages and pressed an all too familiar contact. Despite how angry he felt towards Avery, he couldn't deny how turned on he was as she consumed his mind.

His fingers typed quickly, pressing send before he took a moment to read over the sent message.

- I want you, come over.

Across town Avery was completely oblivious to the fact that she was being watched. Smirking as she watched Omar move around her kitchen, she took a seat at her island.

"I get your mom is a chef, but casually cooking us a gourmet meal for lunch is definitely showing off," she laughed making Omar do the same.

"I'm just an exceptional ass nigga, everything I do is extraordinary," Omar smirked cockily as his eyes met Avery's, before she rolled hers and scoffed.

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