Chapter 19

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Avery's heart had already turned to stone long before she and Marcus went their separate ways

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Avery's heart had already turned to stone long before she and Marcus went their separate ways.

She had built up walls around her emotions, guarding herself. The last two years of her relationship had been nothing but a series of disappointments and betrayals. Marcus had slowly chipped away at her trust, leaving her feeling broken and empty inside.

As she moved on from their relationship, Avery made a vow to never let anyone else get close enough to hurt her again. She buried her feelings deep down, locking them away in a place where no one could reach them.

Over the last six months, Avery had focused on rebuilding herself and rediscovering her sense of self-worth. She threw herself into her work, excelling in her career and finding fulfillment in her accomplishments. Friends and family noticed a newfound strength in her, a resilience that had emerged from the ashes of her past relationship.

When she met Omar on that fateful night in Turks and Caicos, she saw the opportunity as a chance to do something for herself, step out of that familiar comfort zone she had created. Omar was charming, kind, and showed genuine interest in getting to know her. Despite the walls she had built around her heart, Avery found herself drawn to him in a way she hadn't experienced in a long time.

Their first night together was nothing like she'd ever experienced, and every night that followed, Avery felt herself slowly thawing, the ice around her heart beginning to melt in Omar's presence. He was patient and understanding, giving her the space she needed to heal while also gently encouraging her to be herself. With each passing day, Avery found herself letting go of the pain and bitterness that had consumed her for so long.

Omar ultimately held no loyalties to her, yet he treated her with more care and respect than she'd been used to in a long time. He enjoyed showering her both with gifts and praise.

He allowed her to shed the armor she wore around herself for so long.

Avery sat at her desk, reading through the case file for the upcoming merger between her company and Simmons and Co. It was the final day of the week and all she could think about was spending the weekend in Miami for Cassidy's birthday.

A soft knock on her office door made Avery look up from the file. She saw Brandon standing there, a warm smile on his face as he held a bag of takeout in his hand.

"I ordered more Chinese food than I should've, I was wondering if you'd like to join me for lunch?" He asked.

Brandon's presence had been in the office for a few days and already he had everyone under his spell. Avery didn't care to make any inquiries, but Mr. Thomson's assistant Lauren had apparently called dibs on the future CEO.

She smiled at Brandon, grateful for the distraction from work. Setting aside the file, she welcomed him into her office. "Come in, I would love to join you for lunch," she replied.

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