Another button pops open, the neckline gaping as your breasts are completely freed. You swallow deeply, your heart racing at the prospect of soon being completely naked in this position, totally on show for them, helpless and vulnerable whilst they take whatever they want from you. The thought thrills you beyond your wildest dreams, shame flooding you as the throbbing pulse between your legs intensifies. 

"So what do you want then darlin'?" Johnny murmurs, a fingertip dancing lightly over your folds, tracing around your clit in a wide arc, purposefully avoiding it. Your breath catches, your body quivering with longing. You're holding yourself so taut in this position that your legs are starting to ache, muscles burning.

"She wants to come... isn't that right baby?" Van teases in a mocking fashion. He deftly unfastens more buttons, his fingers sparking electricity whenever they brush the bare skin underneath. "It's all she can think of, the dirty girl."

Johnny raises an eyebrow. "Maybe we should put her out of her misery then... what do you think Van?"

"Hmm, maybe... but I wanna hear her ask for it first."

Van's eyes are darker than you've ever seen them, a raw kind of hunger that makes your core burn with need. They've got you so worked up you could fall apart from the briefest touch and they've not even got started with you yet. Your dress falls completely open and Van quickly pushes it back off your shoulders, completely revealing you.

"Come on," Van purrs, brazenly taking all of you in. "We're waiting. Tell us what you want... use your words now."

"I... I want it," you stutter, your body spasming as Johnny's fingers glide over your slick skin, briefly ghosting over your sweet spot before moving away. "Please..." you add breathlessly.

"Please... what?" Van looks at you expectantly, a lone fingertip ascending up slowly over your abdomen, tracing over your ribs, oh so lightly brushing a nipple, tweaking it teasingly. Your skin's littered with goosebumps, every nerve ending sparked and standing to attention.

"Please Sir," you whisper, shame colouring your cheeks an even deeper shade of scarlet, but you're past caring about your obvious desperation now, needing more than their torturously light caresses. You're rewarded with another feathered trace of Johnny's finger, but it's not enough. It's not nearly enough. You feel like you could explode.

"We can't hear you love, you're gonna have to do better than that." Johnny smirks as your hips autonomously start to gyrate in a small wave as you desperately try to push yourself on to his fingers.

His thumb moves over your clit in a slow motion that has your legs trembling and you roll your hips again, even more deliberately this time, a whimper dying in your throat as he moves away.

"Fuck..." you mutter out, the curse-word slipping unbidden from your lips. "I want to come... please Sir... please. I want to come so bad."

The slow grin that spreads on Van's lips is mirrored by Johnny as both men exchange a knowing glance. "Told ya didn't I? She sounds so pretty when she begs."

"She certainly does," is Johnny's response and then before you know what's happening his strong hands are gripping your waist, squeezing it as he flips you around in his lap in a swift motion, pulling you backwards on to his lap so you're now facing away from him, flush against his chest. He pulls you back firmly against him by your hips, hooking his legs over either of yours at the knee and spreading his legs, forcing yours open as wide as they'll go. You're totally exposed and helpless, hands still bound, pulled back tightly against the solid plane of Johnny's chest. One of his hands moves up to circle your throat under your jaw and he flexes his fingers there, only squeezing a gentle pressure but one that leaves you in no uncertain terms who has all the control here. It's certainly not you.

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