After the Campfire

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Welcome to my first ever Wattpad story. Enjoy!

Val's POV:
Parker held my hand! Eeeeeee! Sorry. I'm not usually like this, and I kept my cool on the outside, but Eeeeeee! I can't believe it! Is he, like, my boyfriend now? And also, the Rooneys are weird. Falcon- I mean, Joey, watches Parker while he sleeps!  Mrs. R is a literal clown 🤡, and Liv texts that weirdo, Artie Smalls. Like, why?

I can't wait to go to the Biodome with Parker! It's next week and it's in Bolivia! Too bad Parker has to leave his weird family. His big sister, Maddie, might help the homeless, but she creeps me out!!

Liv sang, 'Better in Stereo', which was cute, but not as cute as Parker! Actually, I might be going crazy, but it's ok because then I'll be a mad scientist...  Who knows?

Afterwards, me and Parker strolled down the beach. Well, I say strolled, but really it was just a walk. And there was no one else there! Just us!

"So-" I said.
Sooooo-' Parker said.
"Um... We head to the biodome next week?" I'm trying desperately to keep the  conversation going.
"Yeah." Parker replied, looking away.

And then he kissed me. Literally. I was so shocked I went red. So did Pucker, actually. He couldn't re-do anything now. So I just hugged him.

I know. Just don't. So we just sat in silence for a bit. Then mom called, so I walked back along the shore, waving goodbye to him when I tripped on a bush and fell on-
"Liv?" I whispered fiercely, "what are you doing?"
"I- I just- wanted to see-" Liv stammered
I just pushed past her. Why? That was meant to be private. Parker ran over to Liv and started yelling. I just sprinted as fast as I could. Why? Why? Why??? Ugh! My life is so unfair. At least Parker wasn't in on the whole Liv thing.

I was packing for the biodome the next day when Parker came round. I went an even brighter red than before! He sat down on my bed and said that he was sorry for yesterday. But I said that it was one of the best days of my life. Which was true. And which also made Parker go bright red. So I just said,
"Help me pack?"
He said yes, of course.
Cool. Yup. Cool. Awesome. Whatever! Yay. Wow. Sorry, having excitement trouble. I mean, no. There was no excitement. Was there? Am I? Are you? Ugh! Stupid Pucker! I don't know what to think. We were leaving for the biodome in two days! I mean, wow! It will be just me and Parker! No Liv, if course, and no-one else! Yeeeeeeeeeeeee!:)
I was just picking up my suitcase when I fell over, right on top of Parker.
"Hi!" He said.
I sighed. 
We didn't move for a few minutes. Then my mom walked in on us! Sooo embarrassing. Can't we have privacy, dude?
"Hi..." Mom says, "bye."
We laugh and when she's gone, I kiss him on the cheek and walk down to check on mom.

Thanks for reading! I have school, so I'll update next week. Bye for now, awesome Pal fans!

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