Beautiful lie

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Hiding underneath the mask of beauty,

The whore dances..

As if she knows nothing,as if she is the most innocent and kind woman alive..

She smiles so pretty,that it even made her beloved men doubt..

But behind the veil she hides her venomous self..

Dark,daunting secrets..

Of fat ego,dancing in a small land..

She sits with her lovers,made through money,with a dream,

To change the world..

Dictator's daughter..

Dreaming big,in the hidden corner of her mind .

She wants to be the queen bee..

Not knowing,if her enemies get a whiff of her scent,

They would chew her as whole,not leaving a bone undone..

Not knowing that the all seeing eyes are watching her every move,

She is not that brilliant as she thinks she is..

Even before she is born,her darkness is depicted in tales..

And the screams she screams ,enjoying calling herself the villian,

It's just a fun game..

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