10 || Keep your enemies closer

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As I approach the door I hold my right hand up so the touch pad scans it and grants me access

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As I approach the door I hold my right hand up so the touch pad scans it and grants me access. I follow the familiar route down the corridor until I get to the desk.

"Trevor." I say in my normal tone as I approach what we class as the front desk. "Where are Teller, Allison and Anador?" I ask. I know the right people to speak to, they're the ones in charge around here.

"They're in a meeting." He tells me.

"Good." I say before I continue on my way.

When I get to the conference room I swing open the door without hesitation or knocking before hand.

"Maliah." Anador says, clearly shocked to see me. "What are you doing here?" He asks.

"What happened to my memories?" I ask, getting straight to the point. My harsh tone must shock them as they all seem to straighten up. I'm not harsh very often so when I am, you know you've screwed up.

"What do you mean?" Teller asks, playing dumb.

"I woke up with no recollection of being Aquamarine and it's strange how none of you tried to contact me when Aquamarine "disappeared"." I say using air quotations. "You also told Liam not to say anything...so I'll ask again what the hell is going on and what happened to my memories?"

"You were compromised." Allison says as if it changes anything.

"After the mission you told us Stilletto had seen your face so we had to wipe part of your memories so you couldn't disclose government secrets." Anador adds.

"How the hell did you even wipe my memories?" I ask and they all stay silent. "Hello?" I say frustratedly.

"We're not at liberty to discuss that with you." Allison tells me.

"Not at liberty?" I say, offended. "After everything I've done for not only this country but the full world and you still don't trust me?" I ask. "It was even more dangerous to wipe my memories, at least with full recollection I could've fought back instead of getting kidnapped and not having a clue what was going on."

"We did what we thought was best." Teller states.

"You had absolutely no right to take my memories. You didn't even discuss it with me."

"How did you get them back?" Teller has the audacity to ask.

"I'm not at liberty to say." I say pettily.

I don't even know how I got my memories back.

I accidentally used my powers and then more things started to jog my memory. There's only a small amount of things I don't remember, like the event of my memory actually being wiped.

I suspect since Nikolai was fishing around in my head for memories of my superhero life it could've also caused a break in the metaphorical wall blocking off my memories.

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