1 || I found you

24 2 8

I flip my heart shaped pancakes and hum the tune that currently resides in my head as the news plays on the tv in the background

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I flip my heart shaped pancakes and hum the tune that currently resides in my head as the news plays on the tv in the background.

"...the superhero is still missing. Everyone is left wondering where she could possibly be." She says. "There's speculation going around that the superhero is injured or possibly even worse."

Not this again.

For just under a month every news article has been about this "missing superhero" that I'd never even heard of before now.

She's apparently been watching over the city for years but I've never even heard talk of her until now. It seems I was the only one in the dark, the majority of the country knows her name....well superhero name anyway, no one knows who she really is.

I don't think it's right for the news to speculate that she's died. By the look of things, she's helped the country a lot. Her face has inspired hope and got our country through hell and back. She's even helped pass laws. I wouldn't blame the poor girl if she needed a break, she damn right deserves one.

It doesn't sit right with me how the news capitalizes on her apparent "death" for money, it's so disrespectful and below the belt.

I hope wherever the girl is she's alright.

I layer my pancakes with syrup. When I finish eating, I makes sure to clean up the dishes.

I check my phone for any new messages and see I have a recent notification from my boyfriend Liam. He's away on a business trip currently so our communication is limited but the good morning text makes me smile and makes my morning just a little bit brighter.

I brush my hair and section it into a half-up, half-down style. I place my long, silky black bow in the middle of my wavy brown hair. Since it's at the back, it's hard for me to navigate where to put it but with the help of my mirror I manage to do it.

I layer my lips with red lipstick and apply some mascara to darken my long eyelashes.

I grab my handbag and head for the door.

I make my way to work by foot, as does everyone else. Driving is highly frowned upon now and can be punishable in the eyes of the law. You have to have an exceptionally good reason to be allowed to drive.

Cars give out exhaust emissions and there are already too many fumes in the air, the only way for us to survive was to cut back. For years we've been ruining the planet, cutting out cars wasn't the first thing to go and it won't be the last.

With the growing mass of people, the level of oxygen in the air has significantly decreased. Everyone has been frantically worrying since the news of that one slipped.

We need change but no one seems to be doing anything about it. I don't think they understand that no one is coming to save us. We're the only planet with any sign of life force and the only planet that's dying.

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