Chapter 9

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Dogday's footsteps echoed softly against the tiled floors as he made his way through the bustling hallways. With each step, his anticipation grew, fueled by the prospect of reuniting with his friends after a long day of classes. As he walked, his mind buzzed with questions and thoughts, curiosity sparking in his eyes. He couldn't help but wonder what his friends had been wanting to talk about so bad. Had they encountered any interesting challenges or made any exciting discoveries? The prospect of catching up with them filled him with a sense of excitement and camaraderie. As he rounded the final corner, he spotted his friends gathered by their usual meeting spot, their voices mingling in animated conversation. A smile spread across Dogday's face as he quickened his pace, eager to join them and share in their camaraderie. With a friendly wave, Dogday caught his friends' attention, and they greeted him back with enthusiastic waves and smiles. As he approached, they made room for him in their circle, welcoming him into their midst with open arms.

"Hey, Dogday! Glad you could make it," Crafty exclaimed, waving at him.

"You should take a seat right now while we wait for Catnap." Bobby said, patting on a chair near her as he walked towards the seat and sat down.

Bobby, always one to keep things lively, interjected with a random conversation topic to keep the group engaged and entertained, ensuring they wouldn't waste any precious time. Catnap's arrival soon, with a nervous energy palpable in his movements, he approached his boyfriend and his friends, hands fidgeting behind his back.

"Hey, guys," Catnap greeted them, his voice a tad uncertain but still filled with warmth.

"Hey, Cat!" Dogday greeted him while grinning.

Catnap, turn to look at Bobby, only for her to show gestures, he made way over to where Bobby was seated, whispering in her ears. Bobby gave him a nod as she tapped Crafty's shoulder, asking her for approval on changing seat and she agreed so they did. Bobby's gaze met Catnap's, sensing his nervousness as they locked eyes. The air seemed charged with anticipation, a silent understanding passing between them. Catnap took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come, while Bobby offered a reassuring smile, silently encouraging him to speak his mind. But he couldnt bring himself to tell it so Bobby had no choice but to do it herself.

"Dogday?" Bobby called out, turning to face her. "Yes?" he inquired, pausing his conversation with Crafty, who glanced at them and nodded. "We need to talk to you about something. Please don't be upset; this situation caught us off guard," she began, her gaze dropping to the table briefly before returning to meet his eyes. "Go ahead," he prompted, noting her concerned expression. "I'm truly sorry we didn't find the courage to share this sooner," she paused, then hesitantly continued, "Catnap's... pregnant." Her eyes darted toward him, noticing his widened gaze. His mouth hung open visibly, unable to fully process the shock. "..pardon? How is that possible.." he asked, his disbelief evident in his tone. Catnap averted his gaze, sweat visibly trickling down from his forehead to his chin. "That's a conversation for just the two of you," she said, shifting her gaze toward Catnap, who was clearly on edge.

Crafty rose to her feet, gently pulling on Bobby's sleeves. "We'll leave you two alone for a chat," she said, allowing Bobby to rise from her chair as they both departed, granting them some privacy. "How long?" Dogday inquired, eyeing the boy who still fidgeted with his fingers. "Please, just tell me. I won't be upset," he reassured, Catnap closing his eyes and sighing before reluctantly divulging, "It's been... three months, I'm sorry.. i kept it from you..." He replied, leaving Dogday to process the whirlwind of events unfolding before him. As the realization of how long Catnap had concealed the truth settled in, Dogday glanced down at the table before meeting Catnap's gaze. "Why didn't you tell me?" he inquired, then added, "And how is that even possible? We're both males." Catnap responded simply, "I was born intersex." It felt peculiar, in fact, everything unfolding seemed out of the ordinary. The air was thick with awkwardness."Catnap, are you sure this isn't a mistake?" Dogday asked once more, to which Catnap shook his head in response. "I've already had check-ups from doctors confirming it. I'm truly sorry... Please, don't be mad... I really didn't anticipate this," Catnap explained, feeling a mix of remorse and confusion as Dogday's gaze shifted towards him, noting the shaky tone in his voice. Dogday sighed as he rose from his chair, approaching Catnap and enveloping him in a hug from behind. "I'm not angry, it's just... a lot to process, I suppose. I wish you hadn't kept it from me; I'm not that fragile. But it will take time for me to come to terms with it," he said, his voice imbued with a comforting tone. Catnap felt a wave of guilt wash over him, his emotions swirling inside.

Quick update before i study AGAIN.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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