Chapter 6

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Catnap's POV

I woke up a few hours later laying down on my bed, I felt like shit. I was a lot better than earlier though, which was good. However, it seems like I have a stomach ache, and it's making my body drown in pain. I heard some people talking not far away so I turned my head to the side and looks like they noticed me awake. "Oh you're awake! How are you feeling right now, Cat?.." Dogday asked me, while Bobby was still looking at me concerningly. "Better than before.." I replied to the question, smiling. The pain was less, though my stomach was killing me. Both of them assisted me on sitting up while I held my stomach. "Well, your temperature dropped.. Which is good! But you're still gonna need to drink medicines and we'll schedule you a check up tomorrow if you want." Bobby said, smiling as she turned her head towards me. I felt relieved that both of them were here. "In the mean time, we can cook you some food if you want, or we'll create a simple one." Dogday said, and I nodded. "Please do." I said, forming a smile on my face as they walked towards the kitchen to make me some meal, though I had a problem. I have a weird craving to foods that has weird combinations. I dont think that's normal for me. I went deeper to my thoughts til Dogday tapped on my shoulder and gave me the food.  I thanked him and started digging in, but it felt weird to eat this food.. Which confused me because I loved this food, fish with rice? I do, I always eat these but.. My appetite seems to disapprove of it. "Dogday?" I called him out and he looks at me. "I can't finish it.. Feels like I don't want this type of meal right now." he looked at me with a questioning look since he knows I like these type of food. "..well, what do you want then? I'll finish that for you if you want." he said, making me think for a bit. "We have honey right? I want those mixed with cheese. And pickles with peanut butter!" I replied to his question, and he looked like he was questioning me even more. I don't blame him, I'm craving something weird. He just stood up and walked toward our kitchen counter, making the food I wanted. I placed a finger on my bottom lip. 'What the hell is wrong with me..' I thought as Dogday came back into the room and gave me my dish. "Here you go.. I'll go talk with Bobby in the kitchen okay? Just call me if you want something." he said, I felt happy now that I got the food I wanted, hopefully, I would be satisfied after I finished eating since this was the food I'd been wanting since earlier, today. I started to chew the food, feeling extremely happy as I could finish eating in no time.

No ones POV:

Dogday talked with Bobby, discussing things that have been happening to cat nap lately since his been acting strange since the start of the day. "Well, we could cancel the schedule tomorrow and check him up now." she said, looking at Dogday for approval. "I mean, it's no problem.. At least if he goes to a doctor today, maybe they would discover what's wrong ad we won't have to stress about it!" Dogsay says, his tail wagging. "Lets just wait for him to finish his meal, then we'll go." she said, as both of them left the kitchen and checked on Cat nap who was already finished. "Oh wow, you're fast!" she said, impressed. "Well, I feel better after that. Should try more tomorrow to be honest!" he said, licking his lips just by thinking about it. "Well, you're already dressed since you couldn't change your clothes when we got here. So we will be meeting a doctor today and they'll check up on you!" she said putting her hands behind her back. "Okay, what time though?" he asked. "Right now, that's why we're here!" Dogday said, as he held his hand out for cat nap and he grabbed the dog's hand, using it for support so he could stand up. "Lets go, I'll be driving," Dogday says and both of them nodded at him.

When they got to the hospital, Dogday and Bobby helped Cat nap get out of the car then they entered. "We'll wait for a few minutes til we meet the doctor, in the meanwhile, let's seat there." Dogday says pointing to a chair as they walked towards it and sat down on it. 'I must admit, hospital chairs are quite cold.' Cat nap thought as he waited for the doctor to call them, he leaned on Dogday's shoulder, he still felt tired and Dogday let him anyways. He could hear people mumbling around him, especially Bobby and Dogsay, he couldn't hear much because once he closed his eyes, he felt himself drift off to sleep. After a while, cat nap woke up to Dogday shaking him awake. He fluttered his eyes open then he heard Bobby say. "Wake up, it's your turn now!" she said, leading him in. "Where's Dogday?" he asked. "His just in the comfort room." she said then she walked out of there since the doctor and he needed to be alone for this. "Well, good afternoon sir. From what I heard, you had some stomach aches this morning and your body felt sore. May I ask more details?" The doctor asked. "Well.. I threw up in the toilet this morning.. And I have weird food combination cravings." he answered, which made the doctor think for a bit. "Well I'm gonna run a few tests from you, is it alright?" He asked and catnap nodded as the doctor did what he said. Questions forming in his head. Was he alright? Did something bad happen? But he didn't overthink much. "I must say, do you know something about this world, here?" the guy asked, and cat nap shrugged as he explained everything and by he possibilities on what he is going through right now, which left catnap shocked. "If I'm not mistaken, the first ever person to feel like this was a few years ago. You're not the only one, lots of people have already gone through what you have. But to be sure, I'm finna need you to buy one of the tests, just to see if I'm correct. There may be chances that I'm correct or not you know." he said and cat nap just nodded as the doctor let him out. He was immediately greeted by his boyfriend and best friend. "How was it?" Dogday asked. "It was fine.. I just.. Need some rest!.. Yeah.." he replied to his question, which made both Dogday and Bobby smile in relief knowing it wasn't something too much, but catnap needed to keep it a secret for a while, he'll talk to someone before telling them the actual thing that happened back there. He was worried, it made him worried.
What if?..


Help I need to study 54 pages in history subject and i haven't even started!.. The exam starts in Thursday..

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