Chapter 3

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Catnap slowly woke up due to the sunlight shining straight at his face. He fluttered his eyes open as he felt someones arms around his body. As he felt himself fully awake, he looked beside him to see a snoring Dogday right next to him. He felt his face hit up a bit as he tried to remember what had happened after they hung out. As he stared at the ceiling, it seems like the memories yesterday were back, making Catnap realize that Dogday had to carry him all the way to their dorm after he fell asleep on his shoulder. He tried to get out of Dogday's grip because Dogday was cuddling him a bit too tightly, making it hard for him. Soon he stopped squirming around as he gave up and just waited for Dogday to wake up. He looked out of his window, nature was truly beautiful. Suddenly, he felt the dog remove his arms around him as Catnap is now free from his grip, Catnap took his chance and stood up as fast as he could before Dogday woke up. "Ah, i see you're up early." Dogday said, rubbing his eyes, his voice was a bit different than the voice Catnap usually heard from his normal one. "Sorry.. i must've been tired yesterday.." Catnap said, scratching the back of his head. "Hmh.. its fine, dont worry" Dogday said chuckling. "I'll prepare food." Catnap said, walking towards the Kitchen as Dogday sat on the cat's bed, yawning. "By the way, what do you want to eat?" Catnap asked. "Anything!" Dogday replies as Catnap just prepared a simple breakfast for the both of them. He prepared something like grilled cheese and fried eggs. Dogday walked to the kitchen and sat on a chair as he waited for Catnap. "Here, eat." Catnap said as he started chewing on his food and so did Dogday. "Oh wow!~ You're good at cooking!" Dogday complimented and Catnap smiled a bit. "Thank you.." he replied. Both of them soon finished eating their meals and Dogday was the one to wash the dishes. Catnap sat on his bed, taking out a book from his bag as he started to read the story in it. He was glad that they didn't have school that day, he'd be sleeping in either most of them if he was gonna be honest. Dogday walked out, it seems like he was dressed for something. "Hey cat! Ill be meeting a friend! Ill be back in a while, just leave a note if you're gonna leave too!" Dogday said, smiling at him. "Alright.." catnap replied as Dogday walked out of their dorm. The cat found Dogday quite attractive in those type of clothes.

Dogday gently knocked on a door, waiting for the person in there to open it. Hoppy was the one who answered as she looked at him. "Oh, hey Dayz! Did you tell Crafty you were gonna visit us because she never told me anything." Hoppy greeted and said with a confused expression. "Oh nono, i came here unexpectedly, i just wanna talk to Crafty if thats okay!"
"Well, of course! She's just talking to Bobby on the phone, mind waiting?"
"Of course!" Dogday replied as Hoppy let him in. Hoppy went to get Crafty because just like Dogday said, he wanted to talk to her.
"Well, hello Dogday! I heard that you wanted to talk to me, is there something wrong or is something bothering you?" She asked and Dogday simply shook his head. "I just wanted to tell you something." He said as Crafty curiosity grew. She sat down beside him as she listened to what Dogday will say. "Okay, so you know this boy who has purple hair and cat ears right?" He asked. "Catnap? If so then yeah! Me and Bobby hung out with him one time and he is really nice! Why?" She asked as Dogday looked down. "Dont be afraid, tell me! Im your friend." She said smiling at him as he smiled back. "I know we just met him but it just seems like i have caught.. feelings for him.." he said as Crafty's eyes grew wide. And then she started giggling. "Ahhhh i see!! You like him?"
"Well no shit." He said, placing one of his hand below his chin. "Well there is no problem if you fall inlove with him.. it is your feelings after all.. I mean, just wait for maybe a few days or weeks or months or years. Get to know him more!" She said as she patted his back gently, calming him down. "Maybe you are right.. Thanks for advising me that, i appreciate it." He said. "Of course! Im your friend after all, tell me your problems and ill be your listener." She said, leaning her back on the couch. "By the way do you want something to eat?" Crafty asks and Dogday again shook his head.

Catnap laid down his bed, reading a book. He couldn't stop thinking about the dog as he covered his face with his book, trying to distract himself, hitting his head with the book. He whined as he tossed around his bed, rolling around til he finally decide to go out. He did what Dogday told him, to leave a note if he was gonna leave. After he wrote one, he left their dorm and went for a walk in the sidewalks, he took our his phone and some air pods, as he put the air pods at his his cat ears. He picked a random music (GO! -slowed ver.) and put his phone back at his pocket listening to the music he chose. "Maybe i should confess to him after a month of getting to know him.." catnap thought as he inhaled the fresh air surrounding him until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Bobby bear hug behind him, she was a few inches taller so he had to look up. "Hey nap! I saw you walking around this road so i decided to greet you a hi! May i ask what are you doing here?" She asked curiously, tilting her head. "I just want some fresh air.. What about you?" Catnap replied as Bobby thought for a bit. "I bought something for Crafty and hoppy since i was planning to visit them. Wanna come with me?" She asked and Catnap thought. "I don't mind i guess.." he said as he started walking with Bobby to visit her girlfriend and Hoppy. Then out of the blue, Bobby started asking Catnap questions. "Catnap?"
"Are you in-love right now? At this time?"
She asked as Catnap went silent.
"OOOO!~ can i know who it is?"
Bobby said curiously as Catnap simply shook his head. Bobby was upset as she started annoying Catnap just so she could know who this person is.
"TELL MEEE! Is it a she or a he??"
"Stop annoying me"
"Not until you tell me!~"
She said with an evil wide smile as Catnap unfortunately gave in and straight up said "dogday! Happy?"
"Oh, I'm VERY happy!"
Bobby said, clapping her hands lightly as Catnap playfully rolled his eyes. "Let's just continue walking."


End of chapter 3 >:}

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