You complete me

419 15 40

POV: Angel
Location: Chicago

"Hang up on you not in the mood" I told Flau'jae and she sucked her teeth making me laugh

"Angel stop saying that, and tell nees not to take all day on your hair because we have stuff to do" Flau'jae told me and nees smacked her lips

"Flau'jae she's going to be done when she's done, don't you have a song to go write" nees told Flau'jae and Flau'jae mugged her

"Don't you have a man to annoy, don't start with me Aneesah" Flau'jae told her with an attitude and I laughed

"Y'all need to stop, I'm going to call you when I'm done "I told Flau'jae and she smacked her lips

"Y'all both get on my nerves, bye" she told me and nees before handing up and I called her right back

"What-" she said and I hung up making nees laugh, I don't know who she's playing with

"We need some music on" I told nees and she handed me her phone so I could turn something on so I turned on bop

"What kind of outfit are you wearing for your photo shoot" nees asked me and i smiled while going to the pictures of the dress so I could show her

"Ohh yea that eats, I can't believe that your 23" she told me while smiling and I nodded while agreeing with her

"I know I'm just 23 with a wife and two kids" I told her while laughing I can't believe how much I've done and accomplished

"Speaking of wife did you and Flau'jae ever talk about getting back together " she asked me and I nodded

"Yea but she told me that she wanted me to make sure that I was ready for a relationship , I keep telling her that I'm ready" I told her while shrugging and she nodded

I was doing a photo shoot for my birthday and I was so excited, I can't believe that it's my birthday already

I love my kids but they are definitely going with my mom so I can enjoy my birthday and I won't have to be chasing them around

"What are you doing for your birthday " she asked me and I shrugged

"I don't even know because I still have to practice but Flau'jae told me that she was going to take me somewhere " I told her and she nodded

I when I was finished getting my hair done I talked to nees for a while but I left because I knew that Flau'jae would've been mad if I was late to the photoshoot

"How you going to rush me and you not even here, where are you at" I asked Flau'jae while looking at the phone confused

"I'm outside, I hate Chicago these people can't drive at all"she told me with an attitude and I laughed

Flau'jae will literally say that everybody's can't drive before she says that she can't drive

I sat down at my dressing room mirror and I waited for Flau'jae and when she came in she gave me my
dress and I got dressed

"Awww what's this" I asked Flau'jae while grabbing the flowers that she got me

"You know I always have to give you your flowers" she told me while smiling making me smile

"I have to hurry up because I still have practice " I told Flau'jae while putting all of my stuff in my car

"I already knew that you were going to run behind , I'm about to go and pick the twins up " she told me and she was about to walk away but I pulled her back

"You that in a rush , that you not going to give me a kiss" I asked her while looking at her confused and she gave me a kiss before she left

I have a lot too do in a such a small amount of time so now I get why Flau'jae was rushing me

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