The biggest 4

703 17 10

Location: her house

"It wasn't even that scary" I told Kilo when the movie turned off and she shook her head disagreeing with me making me laugh

"Were we watching the same movie" she asked me while looking at me like I was crazy, she really didn't like this movie

"Yea and it wasn't scary but anyways ,what you really come here for" I asked her while giving her my attention catching her off guard

"You gotta talk to Angel or something " she told me and I just looked at her confused, why do I need to talk to her

"Me and her have nothing to talk about, if it doesn't have anything to do with basketball than I'm not talking to her" I told her while shrugging

"So you really wouldn't get back with her" she asked me and I shook my head no, all she does is play with me I'm not getting back with her

"No, and I'm already talking to somebody" I told her and she looked at me confused

"Who you talking too " she asked me and I thought about wether or not I should tell her because she don't like her

"Deja" I told her and I saw her expression change making me laugh, they really don't like Deja at all and they make sure that I know

"Flau'jae out off all people why would you go back to her,and you know Mikaylah don't like her" she told me and I smacked my lips

"I know I'm playing I didn't get back together with her, I'm talking to Melissa " I told her and she looked at me surprised

"As long as y'all not together than good, but since when do you and her talk" she asked me while looking at me confused

"Since she came to our game" I told her while smiling and she nodded , I like Melissa but I told her I don't want to be in a relationship yet

"Okay, you ready to go" she asked me while standing up and I stood up too, we going to the studio so I can finish this song I been working on

"Yea" I told her while grabbing my stuff and we left out and got in her car while making our way to the studio, I didn't feel like driving today

"Flau'jae" I heard Kilo say and i looked over at her giving her my full attention, I was on my phone I didn't hear her talking

"Yea my bad" I told her and she asked me if it was okay if endiya came with us and I told her yea, usually I didn't like people in the studio with me but since it's them I don't care

"You playing" I told Kilo when I saw that we were outside of Angel house, endiya told her that she was still getting ready and that she wanted her to come inside

"No, and we both know how endiya is ,so just come on" she told me and I smacked my lips while getting out the car and going to Angel apartment

"Hey endiya almost done" Angel told us while closing the door and letting us walk in and I told her hey while going to sit on the couch

"Bae come here" I heard endiya yell out to kilo and kilo shook her head before going to where she was and it was just me and Angel

"Where Tiago" I asked Angel when I noticed that I didn't see him, he literally always following her sound so I was surprised when I didn't see him

"He with my mother" she told me and I just nodded while looking around and kilo and Endiya came back out the room so we all left

"Kilo turn this off" I told Kilo while scrunching my face up, I don't know what song she got on but it's not good like at all

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