Omake (呪い): A Twisted Curse

965 33 36

Year 1184
Heian Era

"He's obsessed with the moment of death." Her voice is a few steps ahead, "When you are completely powerless."

Shinden-zukuri, an architectural style that flourished in the Heian period and occupied by nobles and people of high-ranking status. These single-leveled palaces were constructed of wood which encircled a courtyard that overlooked the manicured gardens.

Two bodies continue to walk along side each other down the halls of this estate, only until they reach the intended room. There are people who watch and guard this room. These people announce someone's arrival before they slide the shoji doors open.

"My apologies, Lord Sukuna." Uraume steps into the room with a person following suit.

"State your purpose." Sukuna's voice is thick with irritation. He didn't like interruptions, even if he wasn't doing a damn thing.

This loyal servant to the estate, known as Uraume, knows that he does not enjoy being bothered. Uraume also had higher rights than most servants; for she belonged to the ruling family, the Fujiwara's, "I come bearing a gift from your betrothed."

Sukuna's brows knit together. The man sits formally on the floor somewhere in this room and in front of a low table (likely doing literature or art that he didn't want to fucking do). His gaze goes from Uraume, who is already bowing with reverence, then to the other person.

Uraume leans in to this person and whispers, "It is rude not to kneel before the master."

With a hand on your shoulder, Uraume forces you down on your knees with her. And you're bowing now, so much that your forehead could kiss the tatami floor.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sukuna questions this gift: a woman.

"One of the finer courtesans's, my lord." Uraume straightens to a sit and fixes the sleeve of her jūnihitoe (12-layered robe), "A gift from Lady Yorozu herself."

Sukuna scoffs. Is his soon to be bride testing him again? He didn't give two shits about courtesans. He didn't care about concubines either. Nor did he care about wives. He has had his fair share of these things but they, in noway, excited him. He thought himself much better than these things. And in the man's mind, his body is the most sacred temple. He wouldn't allow just anyone to touch him, especially in a sensual manner. Sukuna also often got bored quickly. Not that he ever really felt a sliver of something—anything—anytime someone presented him a new servant or prostitute. He eventually got rid of all of them (with Uraume being the exception as she belonged to the Fujiwara's) and some even, permanently.

The Fujiwara family were powerful and held much control over the politics and surrounding culture of this era. And Ryomen Sukuna is thee most powerful sorcerer of his time; one from a well respected clan. The joining of the two was inevitable.

Yorozu Fujiwara is daughter to the current emperor and a renowned sorcerer herself. She had become obsessed with Ryomen Sukuna. She fell in love with his power and his looks. And she was to be married to him. However, Sukuna didn't care for these types of things. Unfortunately, for him he has no choice. But he doesn't argue against it either. Because this will grant him power and control over all of Japan; something that he may actually be interested in.

Sukuna is a hard man to please and even harder to tame, despite Yorozu having more authority and say over him. He refused to lay with her or anyone she presented him with. Her dire need to please him and keep him happy ruled her entire existence. She was obsessed. At the end of it all, she didn't care if he didn't show her any emotional or physical return. As long as he belonged to her and as long as he showed no one else anything more than what he offered her, she was accepting of it.

Shukumei 宿命 ⋮  Sukuna RyomenWhere stories live. Discover now