Chapter 2

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It's awfully quiet in here. Where are you? You stretch your eyes as wide as possible to try to make out any feeble outline of an object. But there's nothing. The dark seemed to engulf you and the deafening silence presses into your ears harshly.

You take a couple steps forward. Each time your feet hit the cold, damp floor it caused a loud clacking which seemed to echo dangerously. The noise rolls out into the darkness and diminishes ever so slowly.

"Hello?" Your voice, just a soft whisper. It almost felt too terrifying to make your presence known. Were you alone?

You continue to walk blindly into the dark. How did you get here? It's extremely quiet. Your quickening breaths become earsplitting. The night seems endless.


The pitch black was impenetrable and the absence of light held a sinister feel. There's nothing warm about this place.

Did you hear something just now?

You turn around quickly.

There's a tingle crawling underneath your skin. Nothing is distinguishable. Nothing is there. Your heart beats out of your chest.

"Is anyone there?"

The sound of a humming buzz awakens out of nowhere. It sounded like a soft zap of electricity coursing through the air. Beyond the darkness, sits a faint light. Had it always been there?

You edge closer to the light but no matter how much you walked it never seemed to get any closer. You sprint.

Where did it go?

The black returns abruptly. The lack of sight hinders your equilibrium and you're now reaching aimlessly in front of you. There's a sense of nothingness that made it all the more horrifying and any hope you had carried evaporated with the light.




The longer time drags on, the more desperate you are to free yourself from this confinement. You run. And you keep running until you couldn't anymore. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Stop.

There's something ominous brewing beneath you. A thick mist materializes at your ankles and it coils up, up, up, until it curls onto your shoulders. There's a piercing chill behind you that traps you in your place. A hand. Slowly, one by one, a finger wraps itself against your neck.


The room is bright. The light seeping through your window curtains onto your furniture casts shadows onto the walls and floors of your home. Your heavy eyelids blink open. Your breathing is uneven. Your heart pounds beneath your chest. The air is cool and crisp but you lay in a cold sweat.

"It's about 62° out. Partly cloudy with scattered rain showers throughout the day in Tokyo, Japan."

Soft white noise emitting somewhere in your room catches your attention and it makes you realize that you've fallen asleep with the television on again.

You sigh heavily and roll onto your back. You stare up at the ceiling and your hands go to cover your face as you feel all of yesterday's training weighing down on you.

Your cellphone rings noisily beside you on the night stand and you use a hand to reach for it blindly. You don't bother to check who's calling, "Hello?"

Shukumei 宿命 ⋮  Sukuna RyomenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora