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           IN THE MORNING...

Tom: Are you pumped up for today?!

Max: Yeah, we're going to watch the famous anime movie!

All: Hiroshi Adventures!!!

Tera: Yeah, Yeah!

Dr. Mark: Not anymore

All: Say what?!

Dr. Mark: Today is Power Spear's birthday

Tom: And what are we supposed to do about it?

Dr. Mark: He said...

P. Spear: What's up peps?

David: AHHH! how did you get out of your cell?

P. Spear: Dr. Mark, left it open

           (cell door open)

Dr. Mark: I knew I should have cross-checked

P. Spear: Anyways, I want my favorite dishes for my b-day

Nora: I'll just get you some fast food as usual

P. Spear: Thanks for the offer but I want it festive (Smirks)

Tom: (Staring at P. Spear) I don't like that smirk

Max: What do you want?

P. Spear: It's a causal & normal dish... first: bird poop yogurt while fungi dipped in cockroach sauce as usual and alien cotton candy, maggots coved in raw silk from a silkworm

All: Nah bruh!

P. Spear: Uh-huh, but miss silky maggots

Tom: Get it yourself, dude! I ain't doing shit!

Dr. Mark: C'mon it's his birthday, Just do it kids, I'm tired of hearing his disgusting garbage

All: ...

Dr. Mark: It's an order!😒

All: Fine (disgusted) (Goes outside to the trash)

Tera: (Disgusting) you see anything (covering her nose)

Tom: Yeah tonnes of cockroaches

(61 cockroaches running around)

Max: I'll get on ice (freezes 50 cockroaches) (uses telekinesis to put them in a bag in)

David: Now for the fungi (sees bunches of plants) there

Tom: (searching for fungi) (see lots) Max!

Max: I see like only one doing the work (Creates an ice knife) here goes...


All: Ew!

Tera: Now for the bird poop, good thing I learned bird calling, ka kah ka, kah! (Birds flies on top of her) oh no

Tom: Yo whatcha say to the birds?

Tera: It's not pretty, let's just say I insulted their mothers

Tom: WHY?!!

Tera: Well look at the bright side, it got some birds to come (100 of birds flies over them)

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