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However much the 'charming Avyanna' plan sounded ridiculous, maybe it was possible, after all. I had given some (not too obvious) efforts, and the effects were quite satisfactory. Me and Avyanna entered the palace silently and jogged towards the back, so that questions could be avoided. We quickly passed the guards and attendants, and marched up the spiral staircase. For the first time ever, she acknowledged me slightly before taking her leave. Her hair was crinkly and ringleted, yet, its flow fascinated me. It was hard to make out why. I watched her enter her chamber as the palace slumbered. Just when the doors shut, I wasn't very sure why my heart sank.

Juliette arrived within the next two hours. I was a bit reassured that I could sleep in peace without the fear of death. After so many days, I didn't really feel anything of the attempted assassination that Avyanna had led. I was annoyed at myself for that- for not stewing with anger until all I wanted to do was to kill Avyanna. But the incident only felt like a dream, now. It seemed ages ago. I commanded my mind to return to the present, and focus on what I had currently engaged myself in- a duel with Arik.

I blocked Arik's attack, quickly, and made a counter-move. He looked frustrated. All he had managed to pull off until now, were some basic defense moves and not a single hit. "You look like you are in need of respite, king Arik." I mocked, "What do you say- five minutes?"

He sighed exasperatedly and threw his sword away. "Thirty." He said. I rolled my eyes and put my sword back in its scabbard. Look at me, I am parrying with the prince I am here to crush. We took our seats near a dozen spears laid together in formation. Astraea was pretty serious about maintaining its weapons facility- and I mean it. The storage was the largest room in the palace and cunningly built. It had double the security as compared to the rest of the chambers, and five large practice arenas.

"I was thinking, maybe-" Arik stopped in the middle of his sentence as we heard distinct noises approaching our arena. The voices echoed in the empty rooms. They were feminine. We both looked at each other for confirmation- no one was supposed to be here, this time of the day.

As the women came closer, I finally understood who they were. Oh, dear God, I can't bear listening to never-ending provocations. Not two times in a day. "Let's just get out before they see us." I said to Arik as a wave of recognition passed over his face. "I cannot handle your sister this often."

"That is not my sister." Arik said as he gave a muddled expression, "Since when does she have other girls to talk to? She is the most tedious recluse I know."

"That's princess Juliette with her." I replied. I knew he was ignorant, but he could not have missed how close both the women were. Since the day Juliette has arrived, I have never sighted them separately. Surely, Arik knows that. "Of Lendorr."

"It's Juliette!?" Arik's face was a mixture of shock and fret. He clearly did not like her. I wasn't sure why. I had never talked to her much, but she doesn't seem that bad as a person. I would have even found her tolerable if she weren't Avyanna's friend. "We must leave, this instant!" We had been parrying for over an hour, and not one bead of sweat had touched Arik's face. But what power the name- Juliette- could possibly have to make him so clammy, all of a sudden? Did he hate her that much? Or was it the other way round?

"Follow my lead." A hint of a smile touched my lips.

"No, not the back exit!" Arik cried, "That's too far."

"In that case, we shouldn't be wasting any more time."

The sounds were getting too close, now. I left Arik and ran for the gate, but I wouldn't have been able to get out of it without getting spotted. The best I could do was to stay behind the bowstrings and wait for them to leave. Arik stood rooted to his spot. He was too late. He brushed his curly hair off his face and wiped his sweat off. Avyanna and Juliette had been clearly laughing about something before they had seen him. "What are you doing, here?" Avyanna said, clearly annoyed.

"Dearest sister, you forget that I share ownership of your palace, too." Sarcasm was the worst defense mechanism a person like Arik could own.

Avyanna rolled her eyes. Juliette didn't even give an upward glance at Arik. She suddenly seemed too interested in her hair braid. The three of them stood quietly for a considerably long time. Avyanna's eyes darted between Arik and Juliette as they stood next to each other awkwardly. "Well? Are you staying?" She finally asked Arik.

"No. No. Nonononono...." He replied fumblingly, "I'll be off." For the first time since Avyanna and Juliette had arrived, Arik allowed himself a look at Juliette. It was brief, but it was enough to communicate a lot about a person.

As he turned their back on them, Juliette shouted, plucking Arik's sword up from the stand, "Prince Arik?" Formal...? She doesn't even address Wilder that way, "You forgot your sword."

"Thankyou." Arik simply said and got out of their as soon as he could- taking swift strides towards the exit. When I was sure that Avyanna and Juliette were looking away, I followed Arik out and shut the door behind me. He looked red all over. Under any other circumstances, I would have just concluded they were two people that liked each other- or possibly just admired each other- but this was different. I raised an eyebrow quizzically, waiting for him to explain. He shrugged nonchalantly and turned away.

"Did something happen between the two of you?" I smirked, "You didn't muck around with her, did you?"

"That is none of your business."

"Just so you know, if Juliette told Avyanna about it, you'll be dead within an hour."

"I'm her brother."

I rolled my eyes. "And she's Juliette. Who do you expect she would side with?"

"Well, to answer your question, I didn't do anything stupid with her. Why would I do anything stupid with her?"

"No reason." I grinned and departed- leaving him and his thoughts to themselves.

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