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"And you're certain you don't have any idea of what we are looking for?" Jules raised an eyebrow, "No particular book? No particular person?"

"Well, I know his name- but I can't say it. He senses it, and becomes sprightly- that's what Pierce said anyway." I shrugged, "I'll write it down for you."

I snipped a piece of parchment and wrote- Zarakir- on it. I know I have a very smeary handwriting. At times, it becomes difficult to comprehend what I have spelled out. My teacher gave up trying to perfect it years ago.
After retreating from the palace grounds, I had instantly made a run for my chamber. Juliette wasn't there- thank God- and my maids had already prepared a steaming bath and dry dresses to put on. When Jules finally arrived and inquired what Pierce had said to me, I only mentioned my pending tours to the library and my father's study, nothing else. I was making serious efforts to forget the thing that had happened next- it was way too embarrassing. As surprised as I was that Pierce had sheltered whatever dignity I had remaining, it enraged me pondering what the hell that bastard was doing before? I am sure he was enjoying my complete unawareness of how transparent I was... and I don't even want to get started on what I think- no, what I know that advisor was doing there.

I might have been boiling with frustration, because the parchment in my hands crumbled and the stygian ink leaked on my fingernails. I looked at Jules to make sure she didn't see anything. She has a way of figuring out when something's bothering me. I saw her dig out a few documents secured together, folded and stitched at the sides. She had offered to assist me in my impossible research in the library.

"We'd like some tea and fresh biscuits." Jules commanded the assistants near the entrance, "Also, gather some more ink and parchment- at least two rolls of it."

"Are we going to make jottings now?" I asked, a skeptic look clouding my face.

"Yes." She shrugged casually, "That will help us connect the dots, sketch a plan, analyze, strategize, and come up to conclusions."

Once a scholar, always a scholar...
In our school days, too, I clearly remember why she was always the most dear to our philosophy, history and fine arts teacher. "I am so glad I chose you for this." I mocked. She just rolled her eyes in response.

Studying has never been my cup of tea. I'd rather run continuously for twenty miles rather than research all night. I yawned as I opened the first book out of a huge stack and began flipping its pages- looking for even a mention of Zarakir. A quick glance at Jules, and I was impressed how quickly she got herself engrossed in the books. Her blonde hair ran down her shoulders, till her waist. She was beautiful. So beautiful. She always had been. I have always been satisfied with how I appeared, but looking at Jules and my sister- Zaria, I could not help but wish for enchanting and maybe even- whetting beauty. I always prize my ferociousness over my face, still... no one's immune to insecurities.
Thinking of Zaria, my old pain started sliding back. I miss her, even though, me and her had never gotten along well. I, Estelle, and Zaria have always had different interests. Estelle has never cared about battling and politics because she is compassionate, tender, and moreover, she believes in making other peaceful contributions to Astraea. She has never been weak, but always empathetic. Meanwhile, Zaria has never cared about educating herself with any survival skills because she doesn't care. All she does- used to do- was comb her hair, make sure her eyes get ample of rest, put countless other pastes on her body, and repeat this routine ten times a day. She wasn't a bad advocate, but that was only because her mesmerizing eyes compelled every person into listening to her, even believing her. It was as if she could charm-speak. Usually, in family meetings, or administrative councils, our opinions used to clash majorly. She had a rugged desire to always contradict me. Wilder used to side with me, Estelle used to calm things down, and Arik just enjoyed the arguments- finding each and every reply amusing. How the five of us survived with each other in the palace- only God knows.

"Have you heard of Mother Leulla, Av?" Jules asked, taking a sip of her peppermint tea, "It says, for sixty seven years she has resided in Astraea. She knows the answer to every question in the world... practices old, long-forgotten witchcraft... I don't know when this document was written, and if it's outdated or not, but its worth an attempt?"

"Absolutely not." I replied, "For all we know, it might be a story."

"It could be, but it's not only her knowledge she is famous for." Jules said rubbing a hand through her silky hair, "Twenty nine years ago, she announced a prophecy. A pretty ridiculous one- but a prophecy still. Here it goes...
In a kingdom with no king,
With no winter, and no spring,
A curse shall reap the sinless hearts,
Another shall turn the shrines to parts,
One would consume the world as whole,
The next will feed on fear and soul,
The latter shall be a baneful bruiser,
A scream would end a nasty future."

"And what happened after she made this- this prophecy?" I sighed- already bored, "Do we even know who authored the document you're reading?"

"Her daughter- Concordia Salem. Apparently, for years, Mother Luella tried to convince people of her powers, but obviously, the citizens kept their distance from her madness." Jules replied, looking intrigued, "Astraea has always had a monarch, so this could be hard for anyone to believe back then, but a part of this is already true."

"Jules, you're not saying you take this seriously, are you?" I said, "No one's even heard of Mother Luella, or this prophecy. I can't waste my time searching for her."

"Who said anything about searching?" Jules raised an eyebrow, "She lives in the outskirts of the capital city- near the um- near your great-grandfather's mausoleum."

"How witch-like."

"Don't mock me. If anyone told you a few weeks ago, about a man who can become invisible as and when he wants, you would have laughed at their faces."

"Let me get this straight. You want me to venture outside the city, near a mausoleum, to find a woman called Mother Luella and ask her about him? And this prophecy?"

"That is exactly what I want."

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