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It may be the first time I am hating a county fair so much.
I had expected to meet the eldest prince. His word would be much more valuable, and let's face it, he would have been much easier to deceive. But no... I am stuck with the brainiac. Her reputation, from what I've heard is the most prudential one.
Some people even say that she parries better than her brother.
Now, I may believe she might be- smart, but I know a good swordsmen when I see one, and for all I know, her brothers might be so pathetically weak, that she strikes better than them.
"Brother, this place is beautiful." Crystalaura smiled in awe, "For a few moments when I entered, I could see nothing but pink and gold. Can't we decorate our palace like that?"

My despicable uncle managed to convince me to bring her along. She is my responsibility, and I cannot expect a twelve-year-old at an army camp without someone she's close to. Crystalaura's a princess and is aware of all the etiquettes required to adjust to an extravagant place like this.
"You like it that much?" I smiled, "Well, once we get back to Achlys, you can decorate the place as you wish. With whatever flowers you like."

"Really?" She grinned, "With roses and- and lilies- and-"

"Yes... anything you want..." I voiced, "But for now, quiet down, Laura... we don't want to get caught talking about Achlys."

"Yes, I'm sorry. We are merchants from Europe. Descendants of the Guttenberg family... yes?"

I was getting frustrated waiting for the princess. In all my life, I've never had to be patient for anyone or anything. They wait for me. I was trying very hard not to let any frown or frustration slide on my face. What the hell was taking so long? Was she-

I suddenly heard all the guards stiffen around me. The attendants stopped where they were and bowed their heads low. The vast gates finally opened, and the announcement was made, "Princess Avyanna... second-born of high king Aldrich... gracing us with her presence."
I think the rhythm of everyone around me finally got to me. I could feel every bone in my body stiffen as the princess strode into the large hall. Her eyes radiated deadly boldness even from a distance. Every movement she made towards me consumed me with eagerness and desperation. "Princess." I bowed low with admiration more than pretend.

She adjusted her sword near the pedestal of her throne and looked into my eyes.
I clenched my fists to get hold of myself.
She is your enemy, Pierce...
"Your highness-" I said retaining my normal posture.

"Let's make it brief." She spoke firmly. Her eyes traced me as if she was trying to read through me. "I've more pressing matters to attend and... I simply cannot waste my day on a mere merchant."

I've practiced this. I gulped down the anger boiling inside me. Never since my crowning, had someone had the audacity to speak to me like this... "Of course, your greatness." I said forcing up a polite smile, "We are merchants from the very prestigious Guttenberg family tree, residing in the lavishness of Europe. We've come this far to seek your aid for a trade mission."

"What kind of trade mission?" Her face was masked with a skeptical look. She didn't trust me. I had started believing it was a waste of time talking to her. We should have waited for a day and come back to meet prince Wilder.

"We are interested in ancient artifacts, princess." I said with a solemn and loud tone, "And on our quest to find such historical pieces, the only empire that came into our mind was yours. Your land is one of the oldest and the most legendary place to every exist in the world. The folk tales here are treasurable and the history of this place is commendable. I-"

"I can't help but think, I still don't know your names...?" She sighed with boredom, "I know how fine Astraea is for your purpose. You need not tire yourself lecturing me."

When I hold the throne of this palace under my foot, I'll make sure to have Avyanna on the edge of my sword, licking the dust of my shoe. I swear, she would watch me crush her worthless land and turn her dearest 'history' to powder.
I clenched my jaw and swallowed the curses bubbling in my throat, "My apologies, your majesty." I voiced, "I'm Pierce Guttenberg, and this is my little sister- Crystalaura Guttenberg." I didn't bother changing our names. If Crystalaura mistakenly called out to me by my real name, then that would create a much bigger problem.
Crystalaura stepped forward and bowed again. She was visibly terrified. Her hands were sweating and shaking.
Oh, no

"Tell me, Pierce Guttenberg..." Avyanna continued after acknowledging my sister, "Is this your first trade mission on your quest for artifacts?"

"Indeed, your highness... but it's not the last. We plan to march west and travel to the Americas after we are thorough with our research and trade." I replied with my poker face, "But we have been on other trade missions before, and we've had enormous success."

"Where were these trade missions?"

"Iraq, China, Africa, and Japan." I was prepared for this question. Even if she wants to investigate about these 'missions' in detail, I have some ambassadors in these places. I've already sent my word to them. They will handle it.

"And being from such a prestigious family, you must have numerous townhouses for expanding your contact and connections?"

"That's right. But unfortunately, we don't have one in Astraea, your highness. Our family has never traded here before."

"Are you sure you're correct? I remember six years ago, Mario Guttenberg- your relative, probably, came to Astraea with the finest spices and textiles from India and southeast Asia." She smirked, as if testing me.
What the hell is she even talking about?
The real Guttenberg family does not even trade. At least, trading doesn't run in their family. And as far as I am concerned, there is no Mario Guttenberg.

"You must be mistaken, princess." I said normally, "No one in our family has come to Astraea before."

She sighed, "Very well then. I must be confusing him with someone else."
Her eyes immediately shone with a glint of confusion as she devised another plan to prove me as a fraud. She slowly turned her head towards my sister and smiled, "Before I make my decision, why don't you accompany me to my chamber, Crystalaura? I would like to have tea with you."

What does the woman want from me? I have already told her everything. She is not dragging my sister into any of her master schemes. "Your highness-" I began arguing,

"Yes or no, Crystalaura?" She asked. Her face still not budging from my sister.

My fury was resurfacing and I wasn't sure I would be able to stop myself this time. I began taking a step towards my sister, but she stopped me with a hand and replied to the princess with equal confidence, "It would be my honor, princess." She said nervously, gulping down her fear.

"Good." She smirked getting up from her seat and marching towards me and my sister.
She slowly took my sister's hand in hers and ordered the attendants to prepare tea and refreshments immediately.

I was struggling between the effort to keep Crystalaura with me and to have a chance to study the fortress here. As the custom is, she could not hurt a guest in Astraea's palace, but I couldn't let my sister be manipulated or mentally tortured by that hag of a princess at any cost.
And yet again, I made the biggest mistake of my life.
I sighed and rubbed a hand through my hair. And before having any second thoughts, I ran after them.
This was going to be a long day.

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