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"I know how to break in." I announced inside my private tent. Zakir and my uncle leaned over the table and glanced at me expectedly. My armies were situated deep in the forest, far from the eyes of the imperial army, or the commoners. I had wasted an hour chasing my way out of the palace. I had to offer multiple excuses to multiple persons. I told Wilder that I wanted to explore the city (he offered some guards to accompany me, and I had to sit and explain for hours as to why I didn't need them), Arik had given me smug expressions- emphasizing he knew my secret, and I took extra precautions to avoid Avyanna, since she knows who I am and would have ensured the end of my plans right away. Crystalaura wanted to come with me, but I insisted she must stay back as to not arouse much suspicion. "I can get our forces in from three ways that open into the palace grounds."

"Why to waste time, then?" My uncle jumped, "Let's get to work. We'll have Astraea by-"

"Wait." I gritted at my uncle's idiocy and enthusiasm- the main reasons I despised him, "We are not attacking Astraea until my work's completed. We have a new problem at hand."

"How can we assist you, your highness?" Zakir added thoughtfully, "Do you need any extra soldiers? Attendants? Spies? We could try sneaking the-"

"No." I replied, "No. That's not it, no. Someone knows about that night. I can't risk them being lose. It'll take some time to find them, but... we cannot issue an attack just yet."

"What!?" Uncle yelled, "How is that possible? No one in Achlys knows about it, let alone Astraea."

"Yeah, well, that's what I used to believe, too... until I met that bastard." I sighed. I was hoping against hope that Avyanna won't be a problem to me. I still don't believe she'll be cooperative, but she knows her position in the palace is at stake. "I need the assistance of the eldest princess of Astraea for that matter."

"But... why would she assist you?" Uncle rubbed a hand over his chin,

"She wouldn't. I'll figure out how to make her. I only need her amulet to figure what I need to do, but that is something she cannot give me even if she was willing to."

"Pierce, I don't know what your plan is, but if you are going to need assistance from the princess- maybe you should consider another road to it."

"What do you mean?"

"If you come up with a bargain, she'll find loopholes to break it. We all know she cannot be trusted. And what when she finds out the truth about that night herself, in the process? Maybe- you could make sure she helps you willingly..." I didn't like where my uncle's mind was venturing.

"Can you for once choose to speak clearly?"

"You're young. And handsome. Charm her."

If it were someone else who had said that, I might have even laughed at it. How do you seduce a witch who is always planning destruction wherever she goes? If it were any other woman, my uncle might have even been right for once in his worthless life. Avyanna was the most dangerous woman in the Axelsson line, and I'll happily keep my distance from her, even though a voice inside my head kept shouting...
She is a woman after all, there has to be something she can become obsessed with...?
So many curses were bubbling in my mind, that I chose to let the matter drop and ignore him, "I'll need a few spies in the palace, though. I have a few positions in mind which need watch."

"Any other orders, my king?" Zakir said courteously, "Do we need to send any battalions back to Achlys? It is only about time our supplies would dwindle to nothing. The entire forest won't be enough to supply food to our troops."

"Yes." I answered, "Send them away, but keep them mobilized. Issue them new spears and bows as they get there. They'll be called upon the second I declare war. Uncle, surely you can accompany them in their journey back?"

"I understand you want me away, Pierce, but I can help organize your troops which are still waiting by the shore." My uncle replied frantically, slamming his palms together, "They won't be as disciplined without a commander."

"They are all going back." I replied, more firmly this time, "And I won't repeat my orders. If you plan on continuing your stay here, then you won't be doing that under the banner of Achlys. Do I make myself clear?"

My uncle gave me a quick glance and grumbled, "Of course, your highness. I'll go prepare the troops." With that, he departed the tent. Zakir made his usual bow and followed him.

I sat there and closed my eyes. I knew I should be heading back before that devil of a princess senses my absence, yet, I allowed myself the liberty of relaxation- breathing in the forest air. From the time I was just a boy, on the surface I had always lived in a lavish homestead, with statues of gold, and plates of silver, rings of diamond, and clothes of velvet, and I never had a reason to complain. Yet, I can't say I have ever had the experience of home. My own palace felt like an overly-extravagant guesthouse. I hate to admit it, but living in Astraea was not different from living in Achlys. They both felt foreign. I wonder if Crystalaura feels that way. Maybe, she is so mesmerized by this place because it appeals to her more than Achlys does.

"Christopher, you're not holding the bow right." My teacher shouted exasperatedly, "Place the two fingers over here, and the thumb over there." He demonstrated.
I quickly checked my finger placement to make sure I was correct. And yes, it looked perfect.
"Excellent, my prince. You're a born fighter, just like your father." My teacher smiled,
Just like my father? I am just like my father! I forced down the toothily smile before any other student could see it, and focused on my aim.

"Were you able to shoot at the target or not?" My father yelled furiously, "Just. Tell. Me. That."
"I missed, father. But my teacher said that my grip was excellent and that I am a born fighter... just like you are."
"Like ME? You think you're anything like ME? Do you think the enemy would be killed with a nice grip in the battlefield, boy?" Father bellowed as I recoiled. His eyes darted towards my mother standing in the corner, "Evangeline! Didn't I tell you that teacher is incompetent? Well, there you go. I was right."

"Are you retarded, boy?" Father yelled, "HIT ME! Just get one hit straight."
I chose a new spot to attack. Before my steel could touch my father, he defended himself, and in a split second, the hilt of his sword was on my forehead. My tongue tasted something metallic and salty. My eyes were now red.
Is this because I am angry at my father? Never. He just wants the best for me, doesn't he? But then, why are my eyes red? My face was wet. Were they tears? No, I wasn't crying. I was sure of it. Father hates it when I cry. What's wrong, then? And before I could comprehend anything else, I slipped into the dark.

I was awakened from my slumber by the sound of footsteps and chains rattling. How long had I been asleep? A few soldiers entered my tent announcing that princess Zaria desired an audience with me. Did I want to converse with her? Not at all. But, my half-asleep self just nodded, and she entered inside. "Your highness..." Even in the harshest woods, and roughest comforts, she looked dazzling. Her eyes still sparkled with pink, and her tender face was as white as I remembered. The fur she was wearing would have looked ridiculous on anyone, but it only complimented her face, "I wish to have my freedom back, in return for the solutions to your problems."

"What?" I managed as I focused my eyes ahead. I should have rested when Laura had said.

"My king, forgive me, but being in an army camp- imprisoned- there is little I can do to spend my day, and I heard your commander... mumble to himself for a considerable period of time- about the Vivienne amulet..."

"The Vivienne amulet?" My brain zeroed in on the name so fast that I ignored the fact that my uncle was mumbling about the matter, and Zaria was eavesdropping on it.

"That is the jewel my sister wears." She smiled triumphantly, "If you want to charm her, I can tell you how... but when it is done, I want your word that I'll be freed from this nightmare."

There it was again- the choice. Charming Avyanna was a more rockier road than the other one that lay before me. I could easily go with the deal we both had agreed upon. After all, she had much to lose if I backed out. I looked at Zaria's cocky, yet desperate face and leaned back in my chair, "I am listening."

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