The El Noche Noche Show 🌈✨

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Jacob's Pov:

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Jacob's Pov:

"Are you a major terrorist? Are you a convict? Are you a mass murderer? Well have I got the opportunity for you! On Monday the 49th of April you can gain immunity! All you have to do is come on James Corden's new show, the 'El Noche, Noche Show'! On Communist Way, Building 09. Don't be sad, Let James Corden's Light in!"

A slightly fluorescent poster clung to the wall. After non-stop walking for 3 straight days it was hard to tell if there actually was a poster or if I was delulu.

I didn't know what day it was so I asked these ladies. Who looked just about as crazy as I did, with their white dresses that were sort of cult like. Like Swedish spirits that sing about 2 comrades in the Mexican 1910 revolution.

They only looked at me incredulously and pointed to the massive Harry Styles calendar in the town centre. It was in-fact Monday the 49th of April. And coincidentally enough the studio was just down the road. Clearly, the god above wanted me to get back to my truest love, my honeybun, my pookie bear slay bean, my boo-thang, Danny.

Once again I was in a line which could either end in death or be a really great experience. I tried to not stare at all the ugly creatures and peasants; I didn't want to look even worse for TV. Oh did I mention? Well the 'El Noche, Noche Show' is broadcast on BBC, at quarter to 3, at night. So I am really hoping that BigBob's sleep schedule isn't messed up because something tells me that he wouldn't be too happy if I turned out to be still alive.

James Corden... what a man. If i wasn't here for Danny then I probably would've left like basically all the other evil purple people. It was against me and this terrorist group? Ultimately James chose me because I looked more friendly, and I spoke English. They didn't have a translator in the budget.

I finally got a shower, after so long. I got my greasy cut and washed. I finally became Tory looking again. However, I am pretty sure I got given steroids in my earl grey tea because I felt super hyper and bubbly (more than usual).

The smoke intoxicated every inch of me. The microphones screeched in anticipation for the main man himself to go on the air,


Cue applause

"Now tonight's show is an extra special one." Dramatic pause, "now, time to meet Jacob ToryQueen!"

I held in a suppressed cough as I smile and wave. The plastic couch shattered my spine as I mistook it for a nice plush Tory one.

"Hey comrade, how's the ex-convict life treating you?"

Cue laughter

I laugh politely, "it's actually been pretty quiet, I haven't met any other mental people since leaving prison, but I guess that doesn't include you James,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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