9 - Royal selection?... Even here I can't escape politics!

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| The art is not mine! |

Writing style:

Y/N = {Your name}

L/N = {Surname or middle name}

E/C = {Eye color}

H/C = {Hair color}

"[Y/N]: conversations"




"Magic attacks, sound effects or highlighted lines"


"Several days had passed after Puck's mana release cycle. With the end of the festival, everyone returned to their own chores and duties. This included the half-elf, Emilia. As the royal selection would soon take place. "

"As the days passed, Y/N continued to strengthen not only his relationships with the residents of the mansion and the village of Arlam, but also improved his magical and physical abilities."

"With Beatrice's help, Y/N was able to learn more variations of his yang element powers. The blonde-haired girl also assisted in his small improvement in performance with his newfound authority."

"Knowing that his body wasn't in the best condition, Y/N started doing various physical exercises. Sometimes with the help of Akra, he could do heavier exercises and even improve his mana control."

"The time-devouring boy also encouraged Subaru to have at least some training with him. Aiming to improve his physique, but since Subaru's mana gate was too damaged, Y/N only managed to teach him how to channel his mana into a specific point, and a technique of its own. But only in a theoretical, not practical way."

"Y/N's relationships with the two maid girls only improved every day. Ram, after experience with the freezing cold caused by puck, created a kind of heat dependency towards the spirit contracting boy. Whenever she was a little cold or if she felt like it, Ram would most of the time hug Y/N, with the aim of feeling his warmth. As much as she denies it, she didn't do it just for the warmth."

"Rem and Y/N had a conversation about their relationship and how things would go from there. The blue-haired girl, knowing that her sister had some sort of attraction to Y/N, had a bit of an idea... Radical."

[Rem]: I know that Y/N-kun's beauty and charm is too much for any woman to resist... "Even my own sister...".

[Rem]: And I know a lot of women will realize how amazing you are, Y/N-kun. I would even find it strange if they didn't notice!

"Rem gives a few laughs at this, while Y/N's expression is covered in shadows."

[Rem] So... You have my permission to be with other girls, but... I have some conditions!

"The spirit contracting boy shudders at the girl's words."

[Rem]: First... I will be your first... Your first wife!

"Y/N gives a shocked expression, with beads of sweat running down his face."

[Rem]: Second... You will have to treat them all equally, never leaving any aside. They all have to really love you, not just a measly interest.

"He just nods slowly."

[Rem]: And third...

"Rem approaches Y/N and wraps her arms around his waist. She speaks close to the boy's ear."

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