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"Looking forward to working with you"


"Oh yeah"

You see Moma.

MOMA;Hey (your name)I guess we didn't get paired up together.

"Yeah, but to be honest. It's probably a good thing"

MOMA;(Suprised and a little hurt)Oh yeah, and why is that?

"I'd probably just be worrying about your safety"


"Really really"

She blushes and walks away.

TAIL;You should ask her out.

"Nah, her dad would never let me"

TAIL;Why not?

"I'm just entertainment"

ALL MIGHT;Watch the monitor and think about what you would do.

So you all pay attention.

HARD-ON;A sneak attack Bakugo? What kind of man pulls cheap crap like that?

ALL MIGHT;It's a viable strategy. He's playing the part, acting like a true villain would.

ACID;It really worked, Midorya dodged it.

BOLT BOY;Whoa, here he goes.

HARD-ON;Hey, who is Bakugo talking to? Can we get some sound here?

ALL MIGHT;(pointing at his radio in his own ear)He's got a radio in his ear to communicate with his partner, I gave him 1 before the match started. Along with a map of the building. Also this(Holds tape)A roll of capture tape, wrapping this around your aponent means you've apprehend them, and they're out. For the rest of the game.

ACID;So, there's a 15 minute time limit, and the heros have no idea what floor the weapon is hidden on right?

ALL MIGHT;Correct.

ACID;Then the heroes are at a disadvantage here, a big 1.

ALL MIGHT;Real pros have to outwit villains on a daily basis. That's life, even when the odds aren't in out favor(hold up finger and wags it)We fight(Holds up hand)All together!

YOU AND YOUR CLASSMATES;It's hero plush ultra!

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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