Summer 2015: I got a wand and also some information (finally)

Start from the beginning

"It reminds me of these flowers that grew in my backyard when I was little," I said, suddenly able to see the flowers in my mind. "Lupines. They grew by the hundreds in our back yard." My eyes were still closed. I could feel tears behind my lashes, though. "Lupines and dandelions. My mum loved them... And there's just the slightest smell of fresh mown grass, too," I added, breathing deeply. I could almost picture fireflies on a summer night, flying between the tall flowers... could almost feel the porch swing's wood digging into my thighs... could almost hear my mum's voice singing Cat Stevens and reading Shel Silverstein books as we rocked...

"Yes, yes, that's right," Ollivander's voice was breathless and excited. "Hold out your hand."

I did it. My left hand.

A chuckle rose from Ollivander and he said, "Yes that's right. This wand does love a funny quirk like that. You're right handed yet you'd wield the wand with your left." There was a pause and then I felt it - the weight of the wand in my hand. It was surprisingly lighter than the replica wands I'd held before.

My fingers closed around the handle, instinctively falling between the knots.

I could feel it. I could feel the magic in the wand. It was the strangest feeling - not entirely unlike those cracks of static electricity that charges out of freshly laundered blankets, but much more pleasant. It was like... like I'd been missing part of my self all my life and someone had just reattached it to me.

"Well come now, give it a wave," Ollivander said. The smile was in his voice. Like he was in awe every time a wand was paired.

I opened my eyes and, still half in disbelief, I waved my arm.

Several lamps around the room flickered to light and the room was suddenly illuminated, glowing, the dust on the surfaces glimmering. I gasped in surprise.

"Look at you, lighting up a room." I looked over at Declan and he was now watching me, a smirk playing on his face.

"That was so cool!" I gasped, "Did you see it? Did you see what I did?" 

Declan laughed and loped over to the counter, leaning against it, "I did."

I waved my arm again and the lights went back out and I laughed, giddy, my face flushing.

Ollivander chuckled, "Well. That was nice and easy." 

Declan reached into my pocket and withdrew the bag of coins he'd given me - I was too distracted lighting and unlighting the lamps to care - and he handed it over to Ollivander. "So. Gerrick," he mused as Ollivander tipped the coins out and shifted through them, counting them, "Have you been over to Fortescue's lately?"

"Not in some time."

"Seen him around at all?"

"Comes out every morning to put those ridiculous umbrellas up," Ollivander nodded.

"Have you seen any of the boys around?"

Ollivander looked up from the coins, his bushy eyebrows raised. "Alectric - I would expect that you've seen Oliver Kent more recently than Fortescue has, if that's what you're sniffing out."

I lowered my wand. "Who is Oliver Kent?"

"Who is Oliver Kent?" Ollivander repeated in disbelief. "Come now. Everyone knows who Oliver Kent is. Especially anyone running with this one here -" he thumbed at Declan.

I was holding the wand tight in my hand. Declan motioned me to put it back in the box, but I didn't really want to let go of it. He pushed the box toward me persistently as Ollivander put the coins in his till. Reluctantly, I lay the wand down and Declan put the lid back on it as Ollivander got out a long skinny bag - purple with stars and gold foil writing. 

Marauders - Always - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now