Chapter Twelve: The King

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"Thanks for giving us a lift by the way Maidus." Sumeirei smiled as she lounged in the back of the cart. Alice ignored the woman as she looked down at the cut, her lips pulling themselves into a pained grimace. She was so focused on it that she hadn't noticed Solomon shifting towards her until he was right near her face. "Gah!" "Ouch!" Alice clamped her hands over her mouth as she realized she had just accidentally punched Solomon in the face.

"Oh God, I am so sorry- Why would you get so close without telling me?!" She exclaimed. Solomon rubbed his nose and looked down at the floor. "S-Sorry, I just wanted to check if you were alright." He removed a white handkerchief from his pocket before handing her it. Her eyes widened slightly and she looked down at his hand. Nervously, she reached forward and looked down at her lap.

"That cut is bad, it needs tending to," he offered her a small smile. Alice pressed the fabric against her cut, it still hurt but at least blood wasn't getting everywhere like before. She hadn't realized how bad it was until now. Sumeirei tilted her head to the side and watched as the two interacted, her lips pulling themselves into a mischievous smile. Though before she even had the chance to do anything, Maidus spoke up.

"We're here. Solomon, could you please help Alice out of the cart?" Solomon nodded. As soon as the cart came to a stop, he scooped Alice up bridal style. Her face erupted into a hue of scarlet red as she felt his arms wrap underneath her legs and arms. Looking up at him, she could see that his facial expression matched hers. Placing her down on the ground, he offered her his arm to lean on for support.

Sumeirei frowned and placed her hands on her hips "Let's go. Solomon and Maidus can handle their own business, I'm sure of it." Her hand latched onto Alice's wrist and she began to drag her forward. Glancing behind her, Alice couldn't help but notice that Maidus was watching her from the corner of his eye. His small and subtle smirk showed of his canine teeth. It made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

As the two made their way up the large white marble stairs, Alice couldn't help the sinking feeling in her gut. It was overwhelming, enough to make her feel nauseous. However, she was able to hold back the urge to vomit. "I need to speak with the White King!" She smiled at the two guards. Looking at Sumeirei, she didn't know how she could sound so positive and casual. Though she supposed she didn't know what she was truly like or her true intentions.

Stepping foot into the grand castle, she couldn't help but look around in awe. It was beautiful. The floors were made of pristine white marble, the walls were painted with white with a silver tint to them and large crystal chandeliers dangled from the ceiling. Not even the places her father would take her when at work parties and functions could be compared to this. It was breathtaking.

Gazing up at the scenic paintings that adorned the grand hallway, she couldn't help but find herself getting lost in though. But she quickly shook her head, she was here to rescue Lulu, not admire the scenery. "Hey... Uh... I know you're not exactly the type of person who follows rules, but when we enter these doors, please bow respectfully for the King. He's my boss and I don't want him getting mad at me."

"Why would my attitude make your boss angry at you?" She questioned with a frown. Sumeirei sighed and scratched the back of her neck. "You wouldn't understand... Just please don't be rude," she frowned. Alice sighed and nodded her head, causing Sumeirei to let out a sigh of relief. Pushing open the doors. she headed through the empty doors. The air soon turned stiff and cold and every single hair on Alice's body stood up on edge.

Getting down on one knee, she lowered her head. "Your Majesty, I've brought the hero-" but she was cut off. "I hope you brought the actual one this time. Your negligence brought about the kidnapping of an innocent woman." Staring at the man, Alice swallowed nervously. His curly black hair tinted with grey hairs obscured his eyes for a brief moment, his lips pulling themselves into a frown.

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