Chapter Five: Unusual Activity

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Lunchtime was pretty much over and done with now and so she decided to just go to her next class and get prepared for that. She had Physical Education next, and usually, she didn't care much for it, but this time she had swimming, which she supposed wasn't too bad. She only got two hours of Physical Education per week. Monday she did swimming for an hour, and Wednesday, she would do track for an hour.

Making her way to the changing room, she noticed no one else was there; so she assumed that they were still probably having lunch. There was about fifteen minutes of lunch left after all. Making her way over to her locker, she grabbed her swimming costume and began to get changed. Alice would wash her costume at school and leave it in her locker so that she wouldn't have to take it home with her. It was more efficient.

She hated how revealing the costume was; it wasn't to her taste. The costume had a dip in the back and had spaghetti straps and rode upwards around the crotch area. It was navy blue in colour with a white trim around the entire suit. It was standard for all the girls to have this one and no one was allowed to have a different one. So she didn't really have any other choice but to wear the costume.

Once she changed into her costume, she tied her hair up into a loose bun. Students usually had to wear their hair down, but for P.E and Home Economics, they were allowed to tie their hair up (Though for Home Economics, it was mandatory). Luckily for her, the changing rooms were opposite the pool, so she didn't have far to go. Exiting out into the open, she felt the cool air biting at her skin.

Making her way up the cold concreate steps, her grip tightened on her towel. It was February, but it wasn't too cold surprisingly. The school had a rule that even if it was cold, unless the pool was frozen over, swimming outside was mandatory. Sitting on one of the benches, she placed her head in her hands and let out a deep sigh. "Langley-San!" She sighed, realizing that she wasn't going to get any peace and quiet.

"What is it?" She looked up while furrowing her brows in anger. However, she couldn't help but be taken by surprise as she saw Usagi Miyamoto standing opposite from her. She supposed she was probably there on Wakumi's behalf. She had the misfortune of sharing a class with three of the Miyamoto octuplets. Yes. That's right, there were eight of these girls. All with the same ginger hair and blue eyes. The only differences were their styles and personalities.

"I wanna give you a warning. It took me a while to get the full story of what happened between you and my sister out of Wakumi, but I eventually got it out of her. I want you to know that if you ever talk to her like that again, I'll fucking snap your neck in half like a twig. You understand?" Her voice was low as she placed her hands over her knees and leaned down to meet her gaze. Alice merely rolled her eyes and scoffed in response.

"Well then, tell your sister to leave me the fuck alone, okay? I'll leave her alone if she leaves me alone. Now get out of my face before I punch you." Usagi rolled her eyes before snatching her towel and tossing it into the pool before she even had the time to respond. Gritting her teeth, Alice let out a frustrated groan as she got to her feet before approaching the pool. Deciding she had nothing to lose, she jumped into the pool and swam to get her towel.

By now, it had already drifted away and caught on one of the dividers. In order for the students to swim laps, the pool was separated into six lanes. This was to prevent students from swimming in to each other. Once she grabbed her towel, she quickly swam to get out of the pool. With a grimace, she began wringing out her towel. However, she knew it wouldn't dry fast enough for the next lesson.

By now the rest of the class was now filing in. Alice couldn't help but furrow her brows as she saw Fuka; however, she didn't say anything. She didn't want to get into trouble yet another time. Even though she had a hunch she'd get in trouble for swimming at lunch time because unless you were apart of the swim team, students weren't allowed to swim at lunch time. It was pretty frustrating to say the least.

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