Chapter Nine: A Journey to a New World

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"Look... I can explain. I'm the niece of the person who owns the studio. Mr Kuwabanagi is my uncle. Lulu and I met when she was practicing dancing in the studio..." Alice's eyes widened; she was definitely surprised, although she was relieved to know that she didn't tell a friend over her first. However, it meant that Lulu had lied to her again. Though this lie tied in with the whole idol thing, so could she count it as a different lie?

"So... What you and Lulu both told mom and I way back when, it was a complete lie? You two never met while you were hanging out with your delinquent gang? Everything you said... You and your gang and Lulu going out for bike rides at night was a complete lie?" She didn't know what to believe now. Everything seemed to be going by in a complete blur and it made her feel sick to her stomach.

"Not exactly. How we met and some other things weren't true, but we would go and ride under the stars. I love your sister, she's one of my most cherished friends and personally I want her to be happy. She's so kind and she's one of the most amazing people I've ever met," she smiled. Judging from the blush on her cheeks; she could tell that Miko was in love with Lulu, which sucked since Lulu loved Toma.

Alice didn't want to potentially out her in case no one else knew about her. "I suggest we file a missing person's report. It won't do us any harm. If she comes back then at least we know she's safe, but what if she's hurt? Right now our main priority needs to be Lulu and finding out where she is," Miko interrupted her thoughts by speaking up. Sighing, Alice combed a hand through her blonde locks.

"My mum said she was going to talk with my dad and brother, so I guess I'll have to wait and see what comes from that. Hopefully she turns up tomorrow and if she doesn't, they'll file the report. My mother is desperate to uphold a good reputation and she wouldn't want to risk that by filing a report if Lulu just turns up tomorrow," she admitted with a frown. Sighing, Miko looked at her with a frown before approaching her.

"Hey, chin up. Everything's gonna be fine. She'll be back before you know it, I promise," she smiled. Alice wrapped her arms around her torso and rested her chin on her shoulder, her lips pulling themselves into a nervous frown. She felt guilty and anxious; like she was responsible for what had happened. She felt like maybe if she would have been a better sister, then Lulu wouldn't have run off.

She rested her head against Miko's shoulder before letting out a content sigh. Before she could thank the woman for comforting her, her mother's shrill voice caused her blood to run cold. "So first your sister leaves and now I find out you're a dirty fucking lesbian?! You're disgusting! You're a disgrace!" Miko pulled away in shock, her eyes widening. Alice found her throat going dry, wanting to speak, but not being able to find the words.

"Do you know how much shame you could bring to our family?! If word got out that one of my daughters was cavorting around with this... This TRASH, do you have any idea what they'd say?! You already bring enough shame to this family without adding this to the pile! God, I can't even fucking look at you! You are a disgrace! And as for you, get the fuck out of my house! I never want to see you again!" She jabbed her finger at Miko as she screamed the last part.

"I don't even wanna know how you got in here without me noticing, right now I don't care! Get out!" Miko sighed, grabbed her shoes and quickly hurried out of the bedroom door. As soon as she had left the home, her mother took a step towards Alice. The girl's head was lowered, she didn't even want to look her mother in the eye. She felt ashamed. "Look at me," nervously, Alice raised her head to look her in the eye.

No sooner had she done this, she felt a stinging sensation across her right cheek. Her mother stood with a raised, open palm as she stared coldly down at her. "You're a disgrace. A vile, useless parasite that has leeched off this family since the day you were born. Why?... Why couldn't it have been you? You'd do this family a great service if you didn't exist." For a moment, she stared up at her mother in shock as tears welled up inside her eyes.

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