Chapter Four: Class Fight

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It was the bright spot in her days. It was none other than her sister. Lulu stood in front of her with her arms folded behind her back. Her usual tranquil and kind smile was plastered across her face as she looked down at her. "What are you doing here? Is it lunchtime already? Did I really doze off for that long?" She questioned with a small laugh. Lulu let out a soft giggle as she placed her fingertips to her lips at Alice's questions.

The rest of her class was gone, so she supposed that she had taken so long that she had gone to look for her. Lulu nodded "Yeah; I'm surprised you were out for as long as you were. But you looked so peaceful sleeping that I couldn't bring myself to wake you up, at least not for a while. But I had to eventually. We'd miss lunch otherwise," she placed one of her hands to her chest. Alice sighed and shook her head with a playful smile.

Climbing out of her chair, she grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulder. "Come on, let's go," Lulu smiled warmly. Taking Alice's hand, she began to lead her out of the classroom. Following after her, she let out a content sigh; all of her suspicions earlier were for nothing. She was probably just too busy; most likely helping out other students or something. However, one thing still bothered her...

Who was she on the phone with earlier? She knew Lulu wouldn't like her prying though. But, she had to know. "Hey, Lulu, who were you on the phone with earlier?" She questioned as she looked over at her. The girl offered her a warm smile before combing a hand through her hair. Her lips moved, but no words came out. It was almost as though Lulu's voice had been stolen from her as the words left her lips.

Furrowing her brows, Alice squinted her eyes in confusion. Tilting her head to the side, Lulu's smile slowly faded. "Why? Why didn't you save me? I needed you. Why didn't you save me, Alice?" She questioned. Her voice sounded innocent, but there was a dark undercurrent to it, almost as though she was possessed. It was unnerving and she couldn't help but take a step backwards in surprise.

Lulu dropped her bag, causing her ringing phone to fall out of it. The caller ID read 'Unknown' across the cracked and glitching screen. "Why didn't you save me? You left me to die! You left me on my own! I called and called you but you didn't come to help me." Reaching out, she took hold of Lulu's arm... It was cold to the touch. The girl made no effort to pull away and instead just stood there with a blank stare.

Her once brilliant and bright Lapis Blue eyes were dull and held no life to them; her school uniform began to dirty itself, almost as though it was being submerged in soil. Alice's eyes grew wide; she didn't want to believe what she was seeing. "Lulu, what happened to you?! Who did this?! Who hurt you?!" The words escaped her mouth in a terrified stutter. The girl took a step away from her, turning her heel and walking down the hallway.

As she walked, bloody footprints appeared behind her. The entirety of the backs of her legs were covered in scratches; blood staining the backs of her stockings. She looked like a corpse; a dead girl walking. "Why didn't you come and help me? I needed you more than anything and you just left me to die all alone. You left me to die!" She didn't even want to look at her anymore. It made her feel sick to her stomach.

However, she managed to regain the courage to look at her once more. Tears pricked Alice's eyes as she sprinted over towards her, hoping to stop her from leaving. Wrapping her arms around the girl's torso, she sunk her face into her shoulder and began to sob. She couldn't take this; her heart felt like it was being ripped apart. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't know! I didn't know!" She repeated over and over again.

The girl remained silent as Alice cried into her shoulder with a scared sob. "If you want to see me again... You know where to find me." Her eyes widened as she awoke in the middle of her classroom. It took her a while to realize she was screaming. After a couple of seconds, she managed to calm the heavy and quickened beating of her heart. Everyone was gone; all with the exception of her teacher.

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