Chapter- 10 🔞

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Allysa Alonso

As Adrian and I returned to the university the next day, we both knew the importance of keeping our relationship under wraps.

The vibrant energy of the campus surrounded me
As I made my way towards my locker to gather my books for the next class, I caught sight of Jannet. Her bright smile greeted me, and I couldn't help but return it.

"Hey, Allysa! How's it going?" Jannet exclaimed, her voice filled with warmth and genuine curiosity.

"Hey, Jannet! It's going well, thanks. How about you?" I replied, adjusting the strap of my bag as we walked.

Jannet shrugged, a playful twinkle in her eye. "Same old, same old. Just trying to survive the endless assignments and lectures. But hey, at least we're in it together, right?"

I chuckled at her words, grateful for the camaraderie she offered. "Absolutely. It definitely makes things more bearable having friends like you around."

Soon we reached the classroom, As Jannet and I settled into our seats, she turned to me with a curious expression. "So, Allysa, how was your weekend? Did anything exciting?"

I paused for a moment, my mind drifting back to the blissful moments I had shared with Adrian at his farmhouse. A smile tugged at my lips as I recalled our romantic picnic by the lake and the tender conversations we had shared under the starry sky.

"Oh- Ah- uhm, you- you know, nothing too out of the ordinary," I replied casually, trying to mask the excitement bubbling within me.

"Just some relaxation and catching up on assignments ya- yah, But What about you?"

Jannet arched an eyebrow, her gaze lingering on me for a moment longer than usual. "Hmm, sounds a bit suspicious," she teased, a playful smirk playing on her lips. "Are you sure you're not hiding something?"

I chuckled nervously, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep into my cheeks. "Oh, you know, not at all it's just that I remembered a movie I saw this weekend"

I said, hoping to deflect her attention. "But hey, let's focus on today's class, shall we?"

Thankfully, Jannet seemed to let the matter drop as we turned our attention to the lesson at hand.

But I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me, knowing that my attempt to conceal the truth had left a lingering sense of doubt in my friend's mind.

As Adrian entered the classroom, a ripple of whispers swept through the room, accompanied by subtle glances and coy smiles from some of the female students.

Girl 1: "Oh my gosh, look at him. He's so hot."
Girl 2: "I know, right? I wish I were sitting closer to the front."
Girl 3: "Do you think he's single?"
Girl 1: "Who cares? I'd date him in a heartbeat."

My heart skipped a beat as I overheard their conversations about how handsome he looked and how much they wished they were sitting closer to him.

" why are they always drooling over him?" I thought,
But as I stole a glance at him, my jealousy was quickly replaced by a swell of pride.
As I saw watch him speak, "Now, let's start the class, shall we.."
He exuded an air of professionalism and charisma that drew everyone's gaze, yet his eyes seemed to seek out mine, a reassuring warmth in their depths.

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