Fuze: You want to fuck with your country's army but not with Graves?

Blackbeard: Home advantage.

Fuze: The Iranians are mostly staying out of this conflict.

Blackbeard: They're sending search parties to get us, they're not on our side.

Fuze: They're not on Graves' side either.

Blackbeard: I'll see you back at home, Fuze.

Fuze: Hey! Wait-

I rolled down the car's window and threw my walkie out of it.

Blackbeard: Step on the gas.

The driver nodded and sped up once again.

After endless driving, we arrived at the airport.

Blackbeard: I don't have any money on me, so take that.

I threw a pack of cigarettes at him as I got out and walked over to the airport's checkpoint.

Two guards approached me, yelling at me but got silenced immediately after I put a bullet in each of their heads before passing the checkpoint.

Suddenly a bunch of soldiers appeared on the roofs, opening fire at me but not hitting me since I found cover right away.

They were waiting for me... someone told them I would come here.

Maybe it was the taxi driver...he had a short call with someone while I was talking to Fuze...

I looked back at the taxi and saw two military jeeps drive up to it.

The taxi driver pointed in my direction as he talked to what looked like an army officer.

He then took the pack of cigarettes and opened it, slowly taking one out as he looked at the battle inside the airport.

Blackbeard: Have a good one.

The pack of cigarettes exploded, setting his car and the two jeeps on each side of it ablaze.

The soldiers on the roof turned their attention to the burning wrecks, thinking someone had attacked them.

I took this chance to run into the building.

The airport guards were unprepared and under equipped, which made them easy victims for me and allowed me to run through the building quickly until I reached a jet bridge and entered the plane.

The passengers screamed in panic while I shot the lock of the cockpit's door and joined the pilots.

Blackbeard: Fly off immediately.

Pilot 1: Understood, understood!

Pilot 2: We're leaving!

The plane rolled away from the bridge and rolled over to the runway.

Iranian soldiers drove next to us with armored trucks.

Two of the trucks had LMG's mounted on top of them but they didn't get to shoot as I shot the gunners through the cockpit glass.

Pilot 2: You broke the glass!

Blackbeard: Relax, just fly low and nothing will happen.

A sniper shot hit one of the pilots in the head while we were at high speed.

The remaining pilot screamed and pulled the plane up, raising it from the ground.

The runaway was already blocked by a bunch of Iranian military vehicles.

We chipped the machine gun of an APC with the plane's front wheel, sending it flying right into a transport truck full of soldiers.

When we were in the air, an explosion occurred next to our plane followed by another one slightly beneath us.

Pilot: What is that?!

Blackbeard: Their tanks are shooting at us.

Pilot: Their what?!

Blackbeard: Don't worry about it, looks like aim isn't their specialty, just keep flying.

Someone attacked me from behind and smashed my head into the control panel of the plane, destroying it.

I kicked him away from me and turned around, seeing two masked guys attacking me.

One swung at me but I dodged to the side and choke slammed him to the ground before punching the other one in his stomach and driving my knee into his face.

"Stop right now!"

A masked guy appearing out of nowhere yelled at me, making it three of them.

Blackbeard: The fuck do you want?

I asked him, surprised that he talked in english.

Friendly Fire | Task Force 141 x Team RainbowWhere stories live. Discover now