thirty one.

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Niall, as predicted on the weekend, was not taking my news well.

It was now Thursday, it'd been four days since I invited myself into his office and told him I needed to talk to him.

I'd even been really nice and soon after Harry and I'd gotten to work, I'd gone down to get myself a coffee and one for Niall.

Of course, I had my shadow with me, because god forbid I did anything without Harry coming with me; so of course I'd had to listen to his whining about how shit the coffee was.

Sometimes I wanted to punch Harry.

The sound of Niall's office door opening made me look up from the computer screen and I watched as the Irish man appeared, his eyes casting over towards me, and I received a glare before he slammed his door behind him and disappeared into Harry's and I rolled my eyes.

I finished scheduling the whatever the fuck meeting it was, for him, before I pushed my chair away from the desk. I was aware of Michelle's eyes following my movements but I paid her no mind.

I hadn't told anyone except the people who needed to know. Harry, and Niall, and of course Chelsea, Aarav and Susan.


I smiled at Chelsea as I passed her before I opened Harry's office door, the love of my life looking up immediately, his frown disappearing almost just as quickly and I smiled back at him before I turned my attention to his best friend.

Well, second best friend.

"What's your problem?" I asked Niall, who looked torn between narrowing his eyes at me and raising an eyebrow so he sort of just looked like he was having a stroke and I should have laughed.

"Uh, we're kind of in the middle of something here. Haven't you been told not to interrupt the adults?" Niall asked and my mouth dropped open.

"Dude," Harry warned. "Come on."

"You're pathetic," I snapped at Niall who rolled his eyes. "It's not like I'm dying."

"You're the only reason I come to work!" Niall moaned, and I laughed this time as Harry's eyes snapped to him in a glare. "You know what I mean."

"That's not true, and everyone knows it," I laughed again. "We're still going to be friends Niall, I'm not going anywhere."

"But who am I going to annoy?"

"Harry?" I offered up, making Harry complain, his soft hey always making my heart squeeze. "You can literally text me, or call me anytime."

"What about lunch?" Niall huffed and I rolled my head to look at Harry who's eyes flicked up from his computer screen to me briefly and he just shrugged.

"What about it?" I laughed as I made my way over to the empty armchair and dropped into it, aware of Niall turning his entire body to face me. "We can still have lunch, I can come in, we can meet somewhere."

"You won't willingly come into this place, not when you don't have to," Niall pointed out.

I glanced at Harry to see him smirking and I felt like throwing something at him, however Niall did have a point...I just felt like he didn't need to make it.

"You're right," I conceded. "However, you think he'll ever let me out of his sight for too long?"

I watched in amusement as Harry looked up as Niall looked over at him and I smiled happily as Harry looked at me disapprovingly and Niall considered my words before he nodded.

"Fine," Niall finally conceded and I raised my eyebrow. "I guess it's not the end of the world, but just know I am still not happy about this."

I laughed at Niall who just sighed and looked at me, and I smiled softly at him, Niall's own smile coming seconds later.

ataraxia. h.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora