Showdown with the Sugarbug

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"Welcome back, Milo! I hear you were on a roll out there!" the Gym Building Receptionist said with a warm smile, laughing at his own joke as Milo smirked. "A big congratulations from me for successfully clearing the Gym Test! You've now earned the right to challenge the Gym Leader! Best of luck!"

"So how does that actually work?" Milo asked the man behind the counter, who helpfully explained the process.

Essentially, Gym Challengers would book an appointment within 24 hours to battle the Gym Leader after completing the Gym Test. It was all very professional and organized, and after a glance at the appointment book Milo chose a spot in the early afternoon at 1300 the next day. Plenty of time for his stomach to settle and spend some more time with his team.

Milo went back to the hotel and headed to bed early, but not before getting a group photo of himself and all of his Pokémon on his Rotom Phone. The teen woke up early the next morning and simply enjoyed sleeping in without worrying about the dangers of the Wilds. His stomach was also feeling much better. After going downstairs and greeting a very sleepy Mark, Milo also enjoyed the complimentary breakfast while attempting to keep his team under control.

Reggie and Cocoa were getting into a loud squabble with Storm, who was chasing Sparky around and around the dining area (much to the amusement of the other hotel guests). Pepper just barked loudly the entire time, adding to the chaos. Shelly floated in the air, giggling the entire time as Milo attempted to restore calm.

Thankfully Koraidon had things in hand. After ten minutes of pandemonium, it finally lost its patience and the draconic mount let out a menacing growl that forced all of the Pokémon totally still. A stern glare from the powerful beast made them lower their heads in submission before meekly returning to their meals.

The large lizard nodded once, grunting a few times before turning towards the table. It then stuck out its long tongue and scooped up the last piece of Milo's bacon (Lechonk, of course) and devoured it without an ounce of shame as Milo gave the Pokémon a deadpan stare. Milo returned to his toast and eggs with a roll of the eyes, though he was smiling at how easily Koraidon had asserted its will over the other Pokémon. Even with its injuries, it was still an apex predator and demanded respect from the weaker Pokémon on Milo's team.

An hour later Milo was walking into the Gym Building. He had healed his team and ensured that they had everything they needed to fight at their absolute best. All he could do was hope he could sweep through Katy's team quickly.

"Ahh, good morning Mister Milo. You're a few minutes early for your appointment, but that's fine. Are you ready to challenge Gym Leader Katy, the Sugarbug?" the Gym Building Receptionist asked Milo, who nodded in response as he approached the counter. "Very well. Allow me to show you to the battle court."

The Gym Building Receptionist walked out from behind the counter and called out an Ralts. Within moments, the Gym Building Receptionist and Milo were teleported to just outside of the Patisserie Soapberry. The Gym Building Receptionist led Milo up the large set of stairs and up to the large battle court.

On the sides of the court were dozens of excited spectators, snacking on what Milo assumed were treats sold at the Patisserie Soapberry. There were several teens (wearing aprons and nametags identifying them as workers at the establishment) handing out refreshments, but Milo tore his attention away from that and looked to the Gym Building Receptionist.

"This is where I leave you. Good luck." The man said with a warm smile, bowing to Milo as the teen thanked him for his help.

As the Receptionist teleported away with his Ralts, Milo walked onto the battle court. He stood opposite a woman who was speaking to one of the butterfly Pokémon Milo had seen down in the Pokémon Gym Building lobby earlier. She held out her hand to the butterfly Pokémon, allowing it to eat something from her hand.

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