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As the ambulance screeched to a halt in front of Cedar Grove Hospital, the doors flew open, and the medics rushed Scarlett out on a stretcher. Trixie, tear-streaked and panicked, followed close behind, her voice trembling as she called Scarlett's name, trying to rouse her.

Dr. Benson, Scarlett's cardiologist, was already waiting at the emergency entrance, having been alerted by Trixie during the frantic ride. As the team transferred Scarlett to a hospital stretcher, one of the paramedics quickly briefed Dr. Benson. "She barely had a pulse when we arrived, and she coded. We resuscitated her, but she's still in critical condition," he explained hurriedly.

Upon seeing Scarlett, Dr. Benson's face tightened with concern. "Move her to Bay 2, immediately! I want a 12-lead EKG and a bedside echocardiogram now," he commanded crisply. "Keep a close eye on her vitals — heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation — and let me know of any changes the instant they occur," he added, following closely as the team swiftly maneuvered Scarlett's stretcher.

Trixie followed them into the hospital, her steps faltering as the gravity of the situation sank in. She hovered near the treatment area, barred by the flurry of activity as doctors and nurses swarmed around Scarlett.

Trixie's voice trembled as she caught Dr. Benson's arm. "Doctor, is she going to make it?" she asked, barely able to contain her panic.

Dr. Benson paused, his gaze meeting Trixie's anxious eyes. "We're doing everything possible," he said, his tone both firm and gentle. "Scarlett's tough, and we've got the best team right here. Let's hold onto hope," he reassured, squeezing her shoulder before turning back to his medical team.

As the medical team moved Scarlett into Bay 2, Trixie watched helplessly through the transparent doors of the emergency treatment area. Her eyes, filled with tears, were fixed on the flurry of activity around Scarlett as doctors and nurses worked urgently. Each beep from the monitors added to the intensity of the moment.

Trixie pulled out her phone, her hands shaking as she dialed Nate's number, desperate for him to understand the gravity of Scarlett's condition. However, each call went unanswered, his phone seemingly turned off. Overwhelmed, she tried to call Francis, but to no avail.

Inside Bay 2, Dr. Benson was in full command, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Boost the oxygen levels now, and keep the defibrillator on standby," Dr. Benson commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos. He glanced at a nearby nurse, his instructions swift and clear, "Give her 80 mg of Lasix IV, quickly. We've got to aggressively manage the fluid buildup."

Back at the transparent door, Trixie's tears streamed down her face as she recalled the promise she made to Scarlett in Paris—to keep her illness a secret, especially from Nate, fearing it would drive him away due to Scarlett's deep-seated fears of abandonment. Yet, now, seeing Scarlett fighting for her life, Trixie felt torn by the weight of that promise and the urgent need to inform Nate of the situation.

Dr. Benson glanced over at the monitors, adjusting settings before turning to his team. "Prepare for a possible intubation; her breathing is too labored," he said, maintaining a calm demeanor despite the critical circumstances.

Trixie, overwhelmed by the scene unfolding before her and the silence from Nate's end, whispered into her phone, "Please, Nate, you need to know what's happening," before breaking down, the reality of possibly losing Scarlett without Nate even knowing pushing her to the brink.

In the tense urgency of the emergency room where Scarlett fought for her life, miles away, Nate stood in the bustling atmosphere of the airport. As he prepared to leave the country, seeking a respite from the media's glare and the echoes of his failed marriage, his mind was a battleground of relief and a nagging sense of unease.

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