Cavern Club

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I wake up back in my dorm, incognisant to how I possibly got back. I look around and notice Alex sitting at my desk, his back facing me, playing with my acoustic guitar playing with some notes. He must've brought the others to the hotel they were staying at before taking me back to my dorm. My head was pounding so I just decided to roll over in bed and listened, closing my eyes. The second I heard his mellifluous voice my eyes flew open.

"Well, oh they might wear classic reeboks
Or knackered converse, or tracky bottoms
tucked in socks
But all of that's what the point is not
The point's that there ain't no romance around
And there's the truth that they can't see
They'd probably like to throw a punch at me
And if you could only see em then you would
Agree that there ain't no romance around there"

I watch him, his back still turned to me. I sit up a but directing more of my attention to him.

"You know?
Oh, it's a funny thing, you know
We'll tell em if you like, we'll tell em all tonight
They'll never listen, cause their minds are made
And course it's all okay to carry on that way"

I watch as he slowly strums the guitar, seemingly peaceful. He looks over at me and goes as red as a tomato as he finds me awake and all ears open, listening to him.

"Uh Lay. G-good afternoon." He places the guitar down. "Sorreh about waking you up."

"Oh it's fine. You didn't realleh wake me up." I told him. "Have you been 'ere all day? What time is it?"

"Oh uh... yes and it's 1pm." I look at him with wide eyes.

"I am so sorreh Al. Why did yer stay the whole time anyway? You could've just left me and I'd be fine."

"I just wanted to see if you were alright. Do you uh want anythin?" He asked. I shake my head.

"No. I'm fine. You've done enough Al."

"I alreadeh got yer a coffee from micky d's but that was a few hours ago. You might wanna heat it up in the microwave." He played with the pencils on my desk, sorting them out.

"Alexander. You didn't 'ave to."

"But I did, so suck it up."

I chuckle and slowly get up, my stomach churning.

"You 'right, Lay?"

"Yes I'm fine." I said stubbornly. "Also who's that new bird Jamie was speakin to?"

"I fink 'er name was Katrina or summat. Kattie? No... uhh Katie! That's it. Katie."

"Katie eh? She seems cute and good fer 'im. When are you gonna get yerself a new bird Al?" I tease, smirking.

He stays quiet and looks out the window. "Erm. Well I don't know if the feeling flows both ways y'know?"

My smirk grows. "Ooh. Did yer find a pretty bird last night?"

He shakes his head. "N-nah from our school a few years back."

I chuckle. "Alright then." I know not to cross his boundaries since he's obviously not comfortable talking about it. I get up and grab the cold coffee on my desk and use my microwave to heat it up for a minute.

"Did yer write that song you were singing?" I asked leaning against my desk.

"Um yeah. It's not that great tho. But either way the boys insisted on letting it be on the record we made."

"What do you mean? It's so great. You really 'ave your way with words. When is that record releasing again?"

"The 23rd. We finished recording in September though. Domino said it's due to release 23rd this month so yeah." He pauses. "A single is gonna be released on the 16th."

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