New years party

12 1 0

31st December 2005


The starless blanket overcomes Liverpool as I look into the mirror closely, doing my waterline on my eyes. Tonight I decided on comfort over a dress. I honestly dread dresses anyways therefore I decided to wear just a white long sleeve under a black strokes top along with some low rise straight jeans also considering it's fucking snowing out. I look over to my ringing nokia and pick it up, flipping it open to reveal the caller. Alex. You press the answer button.

"Hey Al"

"Hey Lay, are yer readeh yet? Me and the guys are waiting outside yer dorming 'ouse thingeh."

"Just five minutes Al." I struggle getting my black converses on trying to slide them on but failing. "For fucks sake!" I said as the sense of Alex still on the other side of the line was transparent until he let out a chuckle.

"Shut the fuck up yer wanker." I spoke becoming red eventually getting my shoes on rushing to get my bag and run downstairs.

I hang up on the phone after getting down to the alex's car. I run a hand through my hair as I sit in the back seat behind Alex. I look at the other guys.

"I can't believe you guys drove all the way from Sheffield today with being all in the same car and not breaking anythin." I tease.

"Oi, shut up Lay. We did perfectleh fine all in the same car. Nothin bad 'appened at all." Alex spoke as he started stepping on the accelerator driving to the party we all decided to attend.

"I'd say otherwise." Matt whispered loudly holding a chuckle.

"Shut the hell up!" Alex yelled. "We don't talk abou' that."

"About wot?" I questioned.


"Well firstly Alex nearly drove into the back of a bus. Then the wanker parked into some nice old lady's bushes." Matt informed me as he smirked looking at Alex and his red face.

"Shut up... please." Alex said as he squeezed his lips closed and continued focusing on the road.

I laugh and look out the window. I decided on a change of subject. "So 'ows Sheffield doin since I left?"

"Fookin boring." Jamie stated looking at me from the other side of Matt.

"Boring eh? If you guys didn't make music then yer could've joined me in shittiness of university and low paying jobs. Instead yer chose to ditch meh and get fookin famous off myspace and stuff."

"Aye. We work as well of course still. And definitely not famous. We only 'ave one single out, although perhaps I could say it's gotten recognition. But we all live with our parents still I suppose apart from you." Alex said in a saddened tone. "I think next year I'll study teaching or summat if the band goes to shit."

"Ooh Mr. Turner." I say teasingly with a smirk.

Alex goes red. "Perhaps not then. That reminds me of what me mum calls me dad when he comes home from work."

Everyone laughs. "C'mon Al. Why not join me in the teaching profession." I say through laughs.

"Maybeh." He said as he pulled up to the big house the party was at. "But for now I'll just stick to my quixotic desire of being recognised for what we make. Although, it's not as quixotic as it seems now we've released that single that's gotten shit loads of recognition"

I stay quiet and nod, since I have no idea what quixotic means, until I realise that we're at the party. "Let's party!!" I get out the car, the boys following me into the house. "Al, are yer not drinking tonight?" I looked at him as he stood awkwardly in the kitchen watching me and the guys getting beers and all.

"No thanks. I'm driving remember."

"Right. Well, I'm gonna wander off somewhere so don't get in trouble eh?" He nods as I walk away.

I wander off to the back of the house in the wash room. I take a swig of beer as I notice a few randos sniffing some lines of coke. Damn.

I feel a guy tap on my shoulder as he says the new years countdown is on the tele. I follow him back to the living room. The bloke seems nice actually. He has a beatles-esque haircut and his face lowkey reminds me of Paul McCartney. He's very outgoing and friendly making us become friends quickly.

"I'm Miles." He said holding his hand out for a handshake.

"Layla." I say shaking his hand. "You from 'round 'ere?" I ask politely.

"Yeah. Lived 'ere me whole life. What about you?"

"Oh nah I'm from Sheffield. Came to Liverpool for Uni."

Miles smiles and nods. He searches his jacket pockets taking out a packet of cigs. "Want one?" He asks.

I had never tried one before so I thought for a split second before agreeing. "Why not."

I followed him outside as he lit up his cig by the pool, handing me one.

I lit mine up and the second I put my lips around it I started feeling a scratch behind my throat but quickly got used to it. It's not as bad as people say it to be.

We both finished our cigs and made our way inside after just a bit of small talk about life and stuff. It was funny how I learnt he was in a band too like the other guys.

We watch the tele sipping our beers watching the numbers as they count up until all the zeros line up. I feel someone else behind me and see Alex.

"Hey Al. Come 'ere sit with us." I pat the free space next to me on the couch. As he sits I introduce him to Miles. "Al. This is Miles. And Miles this is Alex." They both shake hands and get along as quick as Miles and I did.

About half an hour later it was 2 minutes until midnight as a lot more people grouped into the living room. I noticed Jamie speaking to a cute short blonde girl. And smiled to myself. Matt and Andy were just speaking to each other by talking about some football game or summat. Then Alex, Miles and I were just speaking small talk about certain bands we like.

I focus my gaze as I see the time 23:59:20. "Aye, 40 more seconds." I speak up to Miles and Alex as they too focus on the time after the information.

As the clock hit 23:59:50 everyone loudly counted down from ten for new years day.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1!

Every single being cheered once it became midnight and the party only got crazier from there. Which is something I don't remember. But what a night that was.

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