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It was now lunch time, most people were at the cafeteria. Some people were at the classroom, stairs, or library.

Leafy was outside.

She was sitting under a tree. She usual would do that. Eat her lunch alone.

She was used to it.

Leafy was eating her lunch, that was a mixed berry yogurt, with sone honey. An apple and candy.

She sighed and ate some of her yogurt, alone.



Leafy looked at the sound..


It was from a crunchy leaf.

Leafy looked up and saw..


Pillow had.. a creepy smile

"Uh.. hi?"

Leafy tilted her head

It was a girl, her name was Pillow. Her voice was soft but she was more then that. She.. was weird. She had soft white hair, fluffy hair. She wore clothes that actually looked comfy, not like the other people. They wear expensive and high fashion clothes to "fit in"..

Pillow was carrying sticks.

She dropped them and looked at Leafy

"Oh. Hey Leafy"

Pillow said

"..How do you know my name?-"

Leafy asked

Pillow looked at Leafy

"Everyone knows you."

Pillow said

Leafy sighed

"Great. People know me but I don't know them.."

Leafy mumbled

Leafy looked up at her

".. Who are you?"

She asked


Pillow said

She then looked at Leafy

"Why are you here, all alone?"

Pillow asked

"... Because I'm 'Lonely Leafy'"

She mumbled


Pillow tilted her head

"I heard some people calling me that
.. might as well go with it."

Pillow giggled

"I heard people call you theif"

She said

Leafy rolled her eyes

"Of course. And who called me that?"

Leafy asked

"..Some guy with orange, and yellow hair."

Pillow said

Leafy's eyes widen. She crunched
her yogurt cup

"Oh come on!"

Leafy groaned

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