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Y/n's P.O.V
After getting Pigsy and Tang back, we regrouped near a river in the chapter we were in.

Pigsy rings out his shirt. "Blue ain't really my color, but uh beats looking like that monster, Zhu Ganglie."

"Technically, you'd be Zhu Bajie, now that you're on the Journey to the West." Tang corrects him.

Pigsy huffs, crossing his arms. "Oh hoho, no, no, no. Don't go comparing me to that demon. My name's just plain old Pigsy."

"I can't wait to meet my ancestor, Ao Lie. I bet he was mega cool! Right, Tangy, Y/n?" Mei says from off to the side.

Tang laughs nervously. "Well...

"Ao Lie seemed like an innocent cinnamon roll at first, but when it's time to fight, he gets tough." I told Mei, making Mei's eyes sparkle in excitement.

"I wonder when we're gonna meet my ancestor." MK spoke up.

"I thought Monkey King was your dad." Mei said to him.

"He's not my dad. Pigsy's my dad." MK pointed toward Pigsy with a crayon.

Where the heck did the crayon come from?

And more importantly, is it Crayola?

Pigsy rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Uh, kid, I'm not exactly your uh..."

"Hmm, Mei does have a point. MK, the rest of us mysteriously inherited the powers of the ancient warriors. However, Monkey King is the only original companion we know for sure is still alive. And yet, you have inherited all of his power, so it is possible that—." Tang tried to say, but MK interrupted him.

"Yeah, right. If Monkey King really was my dad, don't you think he would have said something by now?" MK says.

Mei rolled her eyes. "Yeah, 'cause he's normally so forthcoming with information."

"Even if he was my dad, my Y/n would know the answer and say he's not my dad." MK pointed to me, making everyone look at me.

"MK's actually right, one of the people that worked on the show confirmed that Monkey King is not his dad. Sadly disappointing the entire fandom." I mumbled the last part.

"Well, whatever. When we find Monkey King's stone, then we'll just ask him." MK said all of a sudden.


"Monkey King's huh?"

"Monkey King's stone. The one he was born from. Ever since I got into the scroll, I've been having visions of Monkey King standing next to his stone." MK explained to us.

"Wha... You didn't think to mention that sooner?!" Pigsy shouts.

"I'm telling you now. If we find the stone, we'll find Monkey King and he can explain to all of you how he's definitely not my dad and everything is fine. So, less yappy, more—." MK freezes, holding his head.

"MK, it's going to be alright." I kneeled down next to him, frowning, knowing he was having another vision.

MK slowly stood up, everything darkening. "Monkey King?"

"Ah! The scroll's curse. It found us!" Tang panics as ink demons start to emerge.

"Tang, get us outta here!" Pigsy said hurriedly.

"Right." Tang pulls out Azure Lion's instructions, but it blows away. "Oh, no! My cheat sheet!"

"Forget about the cheat sheet! It's exam time, baby!" Mei said, attacking the ink demons with her sword.

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