Destiny Fulfilled

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MK's P.O.V
Monkey King's fist came closer to me by the second, but Macauqe stopped him before his fist made contact with my face.

"Alright, MK. I hope that staff is worth it!" Macaque grunts as he and Monkey King fight.

I took one look last their fight before I ran to my staff.

"No matter what you do, you cannot change the path of destiny." Lady Bone Demon said.

" I don't know if all this happened because it was destined to. But I have to believe that I found the staff so I could use it for good: To help people. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I'm going to take my staff and protect! This! World! And apologize to Y/n for everything!" I grabbed my staff, trying to pull it out of the ground, but I couldn't get it out. "Come on!"

"Oh, sweet child. Can't you see? Sun Wukong couldn't best me. What can you hope to accomplish when he has failed?" Lady Bone Demon says.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Monkey King throw Macaque to the ground, stomping menacingly toward me.

"Cast aside your stubbornness and face your demise with honor." LBD said to me, but I didn't listen to her and I never will.

"If you really believe that destiny can't be changed, you wouldn't be using every ounce of power you have to keep him contained!" I smirked, seeing blue cracks on her face. "The Monkey King I know will never stop fighting you. And neither will I."

Monkey King leaped at me from behind, but I stepped to the side, letting him grab the staff.

"Thanks for not giving up on me, bud." Monkey King grunts, breaking free from Lady Bone Demon's control.

"No!" LBD growls.

"Time for the Hero stuff." Monkey King says as he lift the staff up before he shuttered. "Ugh! I can still feel her crawling under my skin."

I hugged him, making him smile. "I'm glad you're back."

Macaque gets up. "Uh, guys? Now that Wukong's not under her control."

"Oh, no!" I gasped.

"Predictably unpredictable fools! I'm not one to rush destiny but I won't be undone by a troop of headstrong simians!" LBD shouts. "If the healer will not give me her powers willingly, then I will rip it from her!"

I could hear Y/n's screams of pain as Lady Bone Demon tried to rip Y/n's powers from her.

"Y/n!" I panicked.

Me, Monkey King, and Macaque holding LBD's host in his arms jumped off the mech, landing on the ground.

Lady Bone Demon cackles. "You're right, MK. If you had never found that staff, none of this would have been possible. A delivery boy that couldn't even confess his feelings to the end."

I walked up to the mech, a determined look on my face.

"Kid--." Pigsy tried to stop me, but Monkey King stopped him.

"Now watch as I fulfill my destiny and begin this world anew! No Monkey King, no Monkie Kid! Nothing! " LBD laughs.

I swung my staff, creating the Monkey Mech.

"No!" LBD said angrily.

"MK!" Tang says.

"That's my boy!" Pigsy cheers.

LBD growls. "No. No! I will not be stopped by a foul, insignificant creature! You would allow this world to continue to fester and rot, the eternal misery of countless souls because of your sentimentally for mortal pleasures?!"

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