"You're right. We can keep talking while we walk."

Naturally, by walk Dingofoot meant run. I noticed Owlpaw struggling to keep up with the two of us as Dingofoot walked briskly up and down the dunes, and I scurried after him. I drew back to offer some encouragement.

"We'll figure this out," I vowed. "I mean, we still don't know who killed Adderlight, but I'm guessing it was one of Darkember's allies,"

Not Flamepaw. GalaxyClan, not him. After seeing the horror in my littermate's gaze as he admitted that he, too, was cursed, I didn't know what side he was on.

Owlpaw cut into my thoughts as she huffed for air.

"Are you sure it was Darkember?"

"What?" I was befuddled. "I saw him. Besides, he's never been the nicest cat to me-"

"Exactly!" Owlpaw exclaimed. "Dark's been hard on you, maybe, but he's a respected member of the clan, I want to believe you, Pythonpaw," she added as I opened my jaws to protest. "But maybe you misinterpreted what he's doing. Darkember has always been a loyal member of the clan."

Owlpaw's face flushed as I continued to stare blankly at her. "You know my mother never took a mate, right? But she wanted kits to continue her lineage. I've always sort of thought that Darkember was the cat she mated with to have me..."

I tried not to react as I nodded, and encouraged Owlpaw to catch up with Dingofoot. I hurried on ahead, mind whirling. I loved my friend, but sometimes I forgot how we almost lived on different sides of the world.

It was hard to imagine being Pricklestar's daughter, fighting to uphold imperfect standards, while struggling to uncover the truth behind your best friend's disappearance. It was hard to imagine living in a world where warriors respected you, and didn't look at you like you were contaminated.

I just hope she understands, I thought, glancing back at Owlpaw. That sacrifices are about to be made...

"Where were you, Scout?"

I glanced up in time to see Darkember sizing up Dingofoot behind a line of warriors. All the DuneClan cats seemed fraught with tension. I noticed a warrior let out a yowl when they saw Owlpaw limping up from the rear, fur matted, and breath ragged.

"Nothing," Dingofoot said. "Now if you'll let me through-"

"We'll decide what's nothing," Sunslash mewed, whisking her tail. "Running off like that... Some cats might say you were trying to take the leader's precious daughter hostage!"

I waited for Dingofoot to let out a hiss of vehement denial, but he dipped his head, and uttered an apology. I couldn't help but notice the hint of rage which flashed in his eyes at the accusation.

"And you!" Sunslash continued, wrinkling her muzzle up as she stared at me. "Running away from punishment!"

Who died and made you leader? I knew my fur was dishevelled. I was also keenly aware of the dried blood on my face from the tear Flamepaw had made in my ear. I tried to see my littermate, but he was nowhere in sight.

"The point is," Darkember said mildly, stepping in front of Sunslash. "There was some fighting going on at training. I'd like to speak with you, Pythonpaw, if you'd follow me," he glanced over his shoulder. "And Dingo? You're confined to camp for the next quarter moon. Work on shovelling out the expansion."

Dingofoot dipped his head, and nosed me forward. I glanced over my shoulder once at my mentor as I followed Darkember. His ears were laid flat as Sunslash continued to taunt him, eventually having to be dragged away by Spidercloud. His tail was lowered, his eyes on the ground. For the first time, I saw him not as a large imposing Scout, but as a wounded creature.

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