Timing - Killian

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Something was wrong.

He'd no sooner finished that thought than screams erupted from the dining room where the Omegas on clean-up duty were finishing eating and tidying up from dinner.

Blossom had clean-up duty tonight.

Before he'd registered he was moving, Killian tore down the hallway Abby had disappeared down earlier. The dining hall also bordered the enclosed garden, but with the twists and turns of Sanctuary's hallways, it took way too long to get there. Needing to turn the upcoming corner, but unwilling to slow for even a moment, he reached out and punched his fingers through the drywall, Using his grip, he hurled himself around the corner without stopping. He vaguely felt blood running down his fingers, but he would lose every drop of his blood if it meant getting to Abby faster.

When he finally reached the closest entrance to the dining hall, he entered into chaos. 

Several Omegas were struggling to open the double wooden doors. A silver steel link chain wrapped around the vertical handles outside the dining room. In the hallway, more Omegas were trying to help their fellow trapped Omegas. They pushed against each other frantically, and through the clear windows embedded in the doors, he could see tears in the eyes of the panicked Omegas. Firmly pushing his way through them, Killian gripped the chain, and rather than slow down and attempt to unlock or break the thick steel links, he ripped them up and then down forcefully, breaking the ornate handles from the doors themselves rather than fighting the chains themselves.

Throwing the doors wide, the Omegas who'd been trying to escape the dining room swarmed out of the opening. Killian moved through them, stepping into the room barely sparing a glance for the doors across the room where other Omegas were frantically trying to get out. Killian could see Sanctuary security trying to enter through what must be another chained entrance. The Omegas were so panicked they didn't realize that he'd opened one set of the doors. Pushing on the portal hindered the security trying to get in as the Alphas tried to get the doors open without hurting the Omegas. Once again, the security staff's lack of experience was a serious problem.

Letting that thought drift away, he focused on his only concern, and he moved into the dining room. Tables and chairs lay strewn around the room like a tornado had blown through. Glass and ceramic shards littered the floor. Rattling and shouts from the other Alphas trying to get into the room and the wailing cries from Omegas faded into the background. Moving further into the room, Killian kept his eyes moving across the space.

Spotting the glass on the floor inside of the dining hall garden-facing windows, Killian immediately determined where the intruders had made their entry.

Mother fucking trees! If Blossom was unharmed, he was going to take a chainsaw to those fucking trees himself.

If she was unharmed.

He tried not to think of the alternative, but he couldn't stop his mind from going there. What if she was hurt, and the last time he'd seen her, he'd made her cry.

Told her he wasn't her Alpha.

Sent her away.

He'd thought he'd been doing the right thing for both of them. He wasn't a good Alpha, and she deserved the best. She deserved everything in the world she desired. All he had to offer was a lifetime locked to his side.

But with the very real possibility that she was now gone forever, he realized it was too late for both of them. Unfortunately for her, she was made to be his, and he was no longer able to fight it.

Praying to all the deities he didn't believe in but had encountered in his worldwide travels, he swore that if... no, when, he had her back in his arms, he would never let her go. She was stuck with him for better or worse, and they would figure out how to make it work.

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