Alarm - Killian

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Leaning back against the hotel's brick wall, Killian let his head tip back to rest on the rough surface all while keeping his eyes on the gated building across the street. From the outside, Sanctuary looked like a walled commune with a gate at the front for visitors and service entrance in the rear. Having monitored the Omega rehab center for the last two weeks, Killian was appalled at the lack of security. While it appeared to have limited entrances, the truth was horrifying. Trees with low hanging branches ringed the perimeter both on the outside walls and within the walled outdoor space. If Killian could see the branches from the compound and how they intertwined with the ones on the outside border, so could anyone else who wanted to get in.

The first week on undercover guard duty, he'd walked the entire perimeter while he'd faked a conversation on his phone so he could study the set up from every angle. He'd seen a limited number of cameras, and based on their range and speed of motion, the blind spots were everywhere. The guards he'd seen appeared attentive, but relying solely on guards was a weakness. Guards could be bought or threatened creating another vulnerability. At one point, he'd even tried pretending his conversation involved sneaking into the center to see if any hidden listening devices would pick up on his conversation.


Sanctuary might not let just any Alpha through their gates, and their system seemed fine for the random Alpha who'd try to get in. But if someone were really determined to breach the walls and had the skills to do it, it wouldn't take much at all to land even a whole team inside the high walls. He'd told Malcolm, but it had only added to his frustration when Malcolm reported that he'd told the director the exact same thing months ago. The director's excuses of funding tying in his hands seemed flimsy when weighed against the number of fragile Omegas living inside the walls. Malcolm took his concerns to the director again, but so far, Killian hadn't seen any improvements being made.

His eyes flickered to the lights around Sanctuary as they gradually came to life in the dusk. He should be upstairs in his comfortable room keeping tabs on the building, but something drew him outside tonight.

Could be the same thing that lured him outside every night for the past week and a half.

Fuck, he thought to himself. It was definitely the same thing.

On his initial surveillance walk around the boundary of Sanctuary, he'd almost been ready to cross the street when the most delicious scent made him stop in his tracks. He'd frozen and tilted his head to the air to track the tantalizing smell when his training stepped in. Despite their lack of security, he didn't exactly blend in and standing on the street sucking in deep droughts of air into his lungs didn't help

He'd pulled himself away from the temptation, and it was much harder than it should have been. The next evening, Killian found himself back on the street beside Sanctuary hunting for the scent that had been tormenting him all day. He didn't find it, and the despair that filled him nearly took his breath.

It had taken two more nights of coming up with excuses for his lack of control before he'd caught another taste of that scent on the wind. And it was a taste. It coated the inside of his mouth when he opened his lips to draw the perfumed air deeper into his lungs.


Fresh, tart apples rolled over his senses and caused his cock to fill with blood until it ached in the confines of his pants.

Trying to deny what his body already knew, Killian looked around for apple trees. While Sanctuary's outdoor space directly behind this wall was filled with trees, none of them were apple trees.

Before he'd realized he'd even moved, he found himself with hands pressed to the rough stucco walls of Sanctuary, and his head tilted back to try and get even closer to the scent that filled him with heat. He'd come to his senses just in time as he'd reached for one of those damned low hanging branches to pull himself over the ten foot barrier that kept him from the owner of that delectable scent.

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