Chapter 1

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"Hunter we're going to be late" I said in a worried tone, looking forward into his direction.

"I know, I know let's leave" he frantically said grabbing the keys.

"You've been drinking, let me drive. It would be bes...."

"NO IM FINE" he cut me off harshly.

I clenched my black cardigan I was holding in my hands tightly, afraid of his next actions.

*heavy sigh*

"I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to yell" he started caressing my face softly.

He looks at me with his crystal blue eyes, his hand lowers to my arm. I nod lightly.

"You know things have been hard for me after I got laid off at the firm, and I know I've been drinking a bit tonight to get my mind off of things but I'll be better. I promise Ella"

"Alright" I say softly. His hand now moves to my hand and grabs it.

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight babe." he starts, admiring me in my black bandage dress and red bottom Christian louboutin's.

My light brown locks curled to perfection and my lips stained red. "Thank you" I blushed as he started to lead us out to the Bentley parked out front.

We were going out to a black tie party in hopes of Hunter hitting it off with a possible employer by the name of Mark Sterling, a wealthy attorney of the Sterling & Co. Law firm.

Hunter opens the car door for me and shuts it closed. He enters his side of the car and pulls out our driveway.

I gazed out the window, looking out the night sky. The moon illuminating the sky in a soft glow. I felt a hand on my thigh as I then looked over at Hunter. He winked at me and then directed his eyes back on the road.

I knew the party was some distance away and with the light sound of jazz being played in the car I started to doze off, leaning my head against the car window.

"I love you Ella" I hear faintly. "I love you too" I said smiling as I drifted off into slumber...

Suddenly the car jerked forward, waking me instantly in a panic.

He looked over at me for a second before starting to swear as the car started spiraling out of control.

I start screaming as I feel Hunter grab onto my arm as he fully lost control of the vehicle.

Next thing I see in the darkness of the night is a tree in the upcoming distance and


Darkness surrounds me. Every where I look all I see is black. There is no one around and yet I hear faint mumbling in the distance.

My heart starts to ache and pounding hard with every beat.

The voices get louder and louder and my heart is beating out of my chest.
I scream into the darkness, hoping to ease the pain. Nothing. I scream into the pit of nothingness when light starts to form all around me.......

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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