A Tango with Fandago

Start from the beginning

"We all going to the bus," Bryan ask as him, Brie, Gabi and Randy walk with Nikki to her and john's bus after raw.

Int:Brie: Me and Gabi are going with our men to Tampa with Nikki and john and we're excited because the last time bryan and i took a vacation was a year and a half ago when we went to yosemite.

They arrive where the private jet is taking them to Tampa.

Int:Gabi: Me and Randy have never been on a private jet before so we are excited to be on one with my sisters and their guys.

"Nicole are you wearing underwear," Gabi ask her little sister after she uncrossed her legs."yes," Nikki exclaims. "Well we just got a shot," Brie says after her and gabi seen up her dress.

"Brie, Gabi, How about eva marie today," Nikki says, Gabi huffs and rolls her eyes "What i don't understand," John says as him and Randy and Bryan didn't know what the girls were referring too. "Eva marie the new diva with the red hair," Nikki starts.

"The one that wants us as her tag partner," John says pointing to himself and randy, Randy looks at Gabi confused who just waves him off. "Yes, she's sitting like five seats away from us and tweets she wants John or Randy as her tag team partner, and then jojo was like," that's really disrespectful to Nikki and Gabi, you should go and apologize.", So then, not only was her dress like this to begin with." Nikki demonstrates.

"When she came over the dress ended up being like this with the bra tucked down," nikki tells the guys who weren't there.

Int:Nikki: i'm a lioness, I'm protective of my own. When i feel like people are threatening mine well you'll see the lion come out and let me just say Gabi is ten times worse.

Bryan looks over at Gabi knowing how she is with randy," And gabi how did you take that," Gabi rolls her eyes as everyone laughs," let me just say she's lucky i was in a good mood," gabi says leaning on to Randy who kisses her head.

Int:Gabi: Me and nikki are very similar when it comes to how we feel towards our men, My man is my man and if you think you can just flirt with him you have another thing coming. Randy says i can be a little mean but he does the same so don't listen to him.*smiles*

They all raise their champagne,"Cheers to our stay in the mansion," They all clink their glasses.

John Cena's House:

Gabi and Randy walk down stairs a little after Brie and Bryan admiring John's house."This reminds me of the Cali house," Gabi says as they walk down stairs,"yeah just not as big," Randy replies back.

They walk into the kitchen where Gabi's sisters and men are drinking coffee,"Good morning everyone," Gabi calls out seeing everyone up.

"You guys want to take a look around the place," John asks after they've all gotten their coffee or in randy's case water.

Nikki starts to show them off to all the areas of the house. "Oh my god Nicole," Gabi says already telling what the room is. "What is this room," Randy asks as they look around."The dressing room. The closet."

"This is a giant closet," bryan says,"Wow," brie adds as they all look around this big dressing room.

Then nikki takes them to the guest house," omg this is huge." Gabi says.

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