Chapter 22 PT 1

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Y/N sat in the medbay on one of the beds as he gripped the side frame of it a little, Cassiopeia was on her knees in front of him to match his height for the right angle. She wiped a cloth with antiseptic along his face, she didn't seem too happy, which was something Y/N had never seen before.

Cassiopeia: You really need to think before you act! Did you think we would make you keep the eye if we found out what it was reminding you of?

Y/N: It's hard to think straight know....

Cassiopeia: I still don't think we should even let you go to Purgatory. You're not in a good mental state, even Glados thinks it's a idiotic idea.

Y/N: No time for breaks.

Cassiopeia: Oh you're taking a long one after this.

Y/N: You sure you can keep me down?

Y/N chuckled a little bit, trying to make light of the situation.

Cassiopeia: Considering I have control over your nanites yes. Speaking of bodily implants, here.

Without much warning Cassiopeia shoved something into Y/Ns eye, the blurry vision was gone.

Y/N: Did you give me my prosthetic back?

Y/N: Did you give me my prosthetic back?

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Cassiopeia: It's a new and better one. It also will inject the neurolink.

Y/N: The what?

He suddenly seized up in pain as he collapsed backwards screaming in agony. After a moment it stopped and he moved his body back up, slouching slightly.

Cassiopeia: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah.... What's the point in that....

Cassiopeia: Your souls binding site needs stimulation to work, we used a simpler version to get you in Visionettes body. This one will automatically put you in another body if we need to.

Cassiopeia opened a monitor up to reveal multiple images of bodies of various kinds. Some hardware heads and some identical copies of his current one, but with both eyes still intact.

Y/N: Damn, wait where did you get my DNA?

Cassiopeia: Do you think I let you just ejaculate into my claws circuits and ruin them? There were collection tanks.

Y/N: Fair enough. Also I guess this neurolink is what takes me to Purgatory so I can get my friends back?

Cassiopeia: Kinda. We actually need to disable it for while your there or it will just put you in another body. It's how we pull you out.

Y/N: What's it even like?

Cassiopeia: Hard to describe. Which is why my assistant will be helping you. Cyrus motioned to the door as a Camera Woman seemed to walk through.

 Cyrus motioned to the door as a Camera Woman seemed to walk through

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Cassiopeia: Cyrus has been dying to meet you. Your her idol you know?

Y/N: I guess I'm glad to hear people look up to me I guess.

Cassiopeia: Nevertheless she knows Purgatory like the back of her hand. She will guide you to where you need to go.

Y/N: So you just shut off neurolink and I go there?

Cassiopeia: Might be a bit insensitive but you need to die to get there.

Y/N: Oh I can do that.

Y/N pulled out the handgun and shot himself in the temple, his blood and brains gave the white walls a new colour.

Cassiopeia: I was just gonna stop his heart but that works I guess.

Cyrus: I-Im g-going to t-telep-port now......

Cyrus went to teleported but Alt came flying down the hallway.

Alt: I'm coming as well.

Alt grabbed onto Cyrus as she blinked out of existence and Alt went along with her.

Cassiopeia spoke into her radio.

Cassiopeia: Can we get a dispenser man down here? Yeah there's blood everywhere. Also get me my reanimate exo, I'm gonna yank Frosts out of his body and replace it. If things go correctly we should have a super soldier. Sure it doesn't have a connection to the heart but it has everything else Y/N has. -Annoyed tone- Yes I know it's a little weird but we still let Zombie G-Man roam around don't we?

(In Purgatory)

Y/N woke up to see, well he couldn't tell. He was in a white void, but it was also dark. He stood on solid ground, but it felt like liquid or gas. He took a step forward, or the ground might have moved backwards. Nothing was obvious, but it felt familiar.

Y/N spoke, calling out to anyone, or maybe Purgatory was calling to him.

Y/N: Hello? Cyrus?

Alt: Here.

Y/N looked back to see the 2.

Y/N: Alt?

Alt: Surprised.

Y/N: Why are you hear?

Alt: Looking for Hunter or my wife.

Y/N: They died?

Alt: Not sure, if I can't find them here it's most likely they're not dead, which is more reason to look in the real world. I mean Delta was pretty big into prosthetics and augmentation and Hunter had his cores, so I guess they might end up here. I'm gonna go.

Alt tan off as Y/N waved a little. He just smirked and looked back to Cyrus.

Y/N: You ready?

Cyrus' camera lens turned a little pink as she nodded.

Cyrus: Y-Yes sir!

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