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(Something I just wanna say, thank you to @Conrad417 for partially writing this, without him this book would take a lot longer to make)

Item #: SCP-26609-The Multiversal Anomaly 

 Object Class: Keter (Addendum 26609-1: Apollyon) 

Description: SCP-26609 appears to be a male of 18 years, with no anomalous traits other than a green eye, which SCP-26609 claims to stem from a resurrection. This eye gives him a sort of "death sight", able to foresee events that would be place 26609 in danger.

 SCP-26609 also exhibits numerous biological and mechanical augmentations, including eternal youth, limited regeneration from injuries and faster strength, speed and processing time, showing SCP-26609 as a formidable threat to be dealt with.

Regeneration stems from small nanites found in SCP-26609's blood which also have been shown to form small constructs such as tentacles or limbs. When tested, the nanites destroyed some testing equipment before dissolving.When interviewed, SCP-26609 referred to itself as Y/N L/N. No records of him have been found, however mention of his father, the famous D/N did exist at some point in time. 

 SCP-26609 claims to hail from an alternate dimension where the Foundation does not exist and instead, its members wage war against a species of SCP-353881-2, referred as "Skibidi Toilets" by SCP-26609. When asked what a "Skibidi" was to SCP-353881-3, SCP-353881-3 had no knowledge of the subject and quote "was wondering if the researchers were taking copious amounts of SCP-420-J."

SCP-26609 is NOT to be granted the following: 

 •Any form of machinery, or metal objects outside of what he already has been given inside his cell.

•Unauthorised access to gear 

•Rubber ducks of any kind 

•Yellow objects in general-when inquired as to why, 26609 explained it was due to a war against SCP-353881 (See below)

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-26609 is to be kept at Site-19 in your standard humanoid containment cell in the east wing, it is reinforced with several layers of steel as he is considered strong for his stature and may be able to break down any weaker materials. He is given the common luxuries, such as a fully functioning bathrooms, a desk, bed and a closet with a few sets of clothes. Note, none of the items given alongside these such as uniforms, bedsheets and toothbrushes should not be yellow, he can function seeing them, but its best to try and keep his stress levels to a minimum incase he tries to breach containment in order to escape the colours. Any objects should also be made of no to minimum metal, this is because of an incident where SCP-26609 interfered with the door on his cell using a modified ham radio. The only device allowed in his cell is a small computer which has its net traffic constantly monitored with the ability to cut off its internet at a moments notice. This computer has access to its base operations besides from Outlook (note this and similar sites which allow for communication are blocked, there is a button on his cells door that allows him to alert personnel if needed).

He has access to our records though only with level 2 clearance, this is due to the fact that his intelligence exceeds most, if not all our personell and he has submitted several well thought out containment plans that are being considered, originally he did this out of boredom and also a "power move", we are still questioning him on what this means. However as of recent weve encouraged him to make more and have begun giving him things like specially requested time out of his cell or food, this includes things like salted caramel ice cream and scotch eggs. He has also stated hes got several termination plans for multiple anomalies who have resisted termination and will only give them if we give him access to a steam library, this request is still pending. Another thing to add is that if SCP-26609 is let out of its cell it should be supervised by 2 male guards from the nine tailed fox unit.

SCP-26609 is to be fed 3 meals a day with some smaller food items allowed to be given inbetween upon request, though these can be denied for security reasons or if he has displayed negative behaviour towards the foundation. These meals should add up to 3000 calories due to the fact that the nanomachines also require energy (Y/N has requested to be given what he calls a "core" in order to lower the amount needed but this request is still pending like the rest, mainly due to the fact we arent sure what he means by a "core"). This can be delivered by hand and not through a automatic system and it is encouraged to keep him in a good mental state and hopefully in a state where he doesnt try to escape. However none of the operatives should enter unarmed and should all be male, this is because SCP-26609 is a exceptional fighter being capable of taking on armed operatives. Due to all his statements about being intimate are to be believed it is also a possibility that he may try to manipulate a female operative that is allowed into the room into giving him unauthorised items or outright letting him out of his cell.

 SCP-26609's gear is locked 3 floors down in Locker 236 and to be analysed. Appropriate testing will be conducted to discern any scientific uses.

Additional Information:

-SCP-26609 prefers to be called by his real name, Y/N L/N, and outside of official documents, this is permitted.

-SCP-26609 came into this universe with multiple of his own pieces of technology, these items have been called SCP-26609-2 and consist of a glove that allows for SCP-26609 to increase his speed to about 300m/s or the speed of sound. It can also materialise multiple pieces of technology such as rocket launchers, blades and a energy based railgun that we are still not sure of how it works. He is to only be given these for cross tests where the other anomaly is dangerous and there is reasonable risk that a fight may occur. 

-Multiple cross tests are planned for SCP-26609 which involved SCP-610, SCP-105, SCP-049 and SCP-682. Previous cross tests have shown some interesting results such as SCP-26609 being capable of killing 353881-1 in his first appearance.

  -SCP-26609 is generally a calm and friendly person which makes him considered a low threat level, he will only attack if absolutely necesary. He also shows some signs of depression and it is considered to allow him to see a psychiatrist.

Interview Logs:

2028 - 11th november - 4:34pm Eastern Time

Dr Walker: Hello Mr L/N, my name is Dr Walker.

26609: Hey, just call me Y/N, its what im used to.

Dr Walker: Alright then, you made quite the scare didnt you?

26609: How so?

Dr Walker: Being the first human in a while, it was certainly interesting to see you appear, and these are certainly some strange items you have brought.

26609: You want to know their origin don't you?

Dr Walker: If you are aware and willing to answer please do.

26609: Well I call it a power glove, it allows me to travel at high speeds and also download multiple items.

Dr Walker: May I ask what you mean by "download"

26609: I kinda just make them appear if I have a power source.

Dr Walker: Now where did you get this technology from?

26609: You know that multiverse I mentioned, I got it from you guys, but from my universe.

Dr Walker: May I ask what we are like there?

26609: Well everyone is a team, it was made because of a war. Against the Skibidi.

Dr Walker: May I ask who the skibidi are.

26609: They were heads, sticking out of stuff you would find in bathrooms, the most common being toilets.

Dr Walker: Thats very interesting, however it does bare a resemblence to 353881, or as others call him G-Ma-

-26609 slammed his fist on the table causing the guards in the room to raise their rifles at him-

26609: TAKE ME TO HIM!

Dr Walker: Please Y/N, calm down. This is not possible at the current moment, but may I ask why you wish to meet him.

26609: Its so I can kill the fucker, he took so much away from me!

-The rest of this audio log has been redacted due to SCP-26609 saying multiple pieces of classified information, and also a cognito hazard that resulted in the hospitalisation of Dr Walker and the multiple security personel in the room-

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