t h i r t y n i n e. exile

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t h i r t y  n i n e. exile

"You sure you will be okay?"

"It is just for a week, Pranati. I am going to be fine. And you know my reports are normal right now."

Pranati narrowed her gaze at the 60 year old woman. "It better be normal, Jaana because I swear to all your Gods if it isn't, you are going to be living on dal khichdi for half the year." 

Jaana could not help but chuckle at Pranati's changed demeanor. The sad, silent and lost Pranati was visibly replaced with a lively, dramatic and happy Pranati and Jaana could see how younger Pranati looked lately.

And it was all because of that man.

She did not like him, despite the fact that he was charming and sweet. She wanted to keep him away from both her girls but the way they behaved with him, the way he had molded them like him and the way he had made them a happier, brighter version of themselves, was all Jaana could think about.

"Why are you smiling?" Pranati shook her head in despair, "this is not a joke."

"Oho mera baccha." Jaana pulled Pranati besides her, sitting on the wooden cot. "I have waited years - eight to be precise - to see you smile and laugh and look like you want to live. And finally, I can finally see the glimpse of a happy Pranati in you."

Pranati furrowed her brows, confused. "Matlab?"

"Pranati, my sweet sweet girl, you clearly don't see it do you?" 

"I don't see what?" 

"The love you have for that man."

The color drained from Pranati's face, her smile faltering as she shifted uncomfortably.


"Trust me, I am more upset than you are, but if life has taught me anything, it is about second chances." Jaana looked at Pranati and touched her soft face. "You still love that man don't you?"

"Love?" Pranati scoffed, shaking her head. "And him?" 

"You don't?"

"I don't!"

"But your eyes say otherwise, baby, your smile says otherwise." 

Pranati sighed, "sure, Reyansh makes me smile, and yes, I have changed my perspective towards him and want him around for my kid, but that does not mean I love him. Jaana, please. Love is a very stupid feeling and I have been duped once before. By the same man!"

"So you're scared that if you love him, he might break your heart again?"

"Jaana, I don't love him." Pranati faced the old woman with a determined face, "I used to love him when I was a kid and did not know better. But now, I love no one other than my daughter.

"So you are doing all of this for your daughter?"


"So all of the things that you did so far was for Jugnu? And you felt nothing at all when you were with that man." 

"That man is Jugnu's father, and I don't care about that man and neither do I love him. What is wrong with you today, Jaana? Are you feeling okay?"

"So you are telling me that you do not love that man?"

"His name is Reyansh and I don't love him."

"But you do know that he loves you right?" 

Pranati was all the more confused, this was way too early in the morning for her to deduce feelings with her ex-boyfriend. 

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