chapter 8: The magazine

Start from the beginning

She was surprised when she reached the small cabin as the walk seemed to go by faster than normal. the hut still looked the same, with cracked moss covered stone bricks leading up to the small wooden cabin, windows flung open.

Katherine didn't bother knocking on  the front door, knowing that Addie always thought the most dangerous thing in the woods was her.

Still, when the wooden door opened with a creak and Katherine couldn't see Addie inside she began to grow worried.

stepping further into the hut she inspected the hut closer, noticing the stove on, water boiling.

"I see you've gone past the point of knocking?" a girls voice asked from the doorway.

Katherine turned around, a smile plastered on her face at the sight of the brunette girl.

Addison had always been beautiful, her brown hair was long and had small waves in it and was almost the exact same colour as her eyes which were wide and provided and innocent doe look.

"Whats the point?" Kate asked embracing the shorter girl.

Addie shrugged, "I could've been getting dressed or something".

Katherine frowned, "you have a bedroom for that?".

grinning sheepishly Addie walked over to the chopping board and began chopping the carrots she had brought back, "perks of living alone, I can get changed wherever I want".

Katherine grimaced, sitting down at one of the stools.

"look at this" she said, sliding the Magazine over to Addie.

The girl smiled, looking at the picture, "your eyes are beautiful in this" she admitted looking at Kates green eyes.

"its edited" Katherine replied.

Addie shook her head, "you always say that and its never true" she assured, "take some credit for your stunning looks babe".

Katherine shook her head laughing slightly, "forget the picture, look at the heading".

Addies gaze shifted looking at the title of the magazine smiling sadly, "didnt you know this would happen? didnt whats-his-face warn you?" she asked.

Kate scoffed, "Dumblewhore said that it was my choice but he still ratted me out to my parents".

Addie chuckled, "I doubt the greatest wizard of this century 'ratted you out'" she said putting air quotes around the last phrase, "anyway, aren't you glad? you can see that boy again".

"no im not glad! I dont want to see stupid Sirius again because if I do then I wont be able to be friends with him, my  parents will tell me to be freinds with the other stupid purebloods and then Sirius will hate me!" Kate complained.

Addie shook her head, "merlin, are brits really that stupid?" she asked.

Katherine shook her head sarcastically, "oh no, smartest people in the bloody world!". 

"you're getting hysterical" Addie informed her.

"I am but i dont get how you arent" Katherine said sadly, "im going to be gone, for good".

Addison shook her head, "not for good, you can come back when your older".

Kate hummed, "or..." 

"or?" Addie sighed.

"you could come with me?" Kate asked.

laughing dryly Addie dumped the vegetables into the water, "Me? do you really think they would let a werewolf into Hogwarts? and a broke one at that?".

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