Chapter 2: The Howlers

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September 2nd 1971

Katherine woke the next day to find that her plain grey uniform was now adorned with red & gold accents. Standing up to look at them, she heard rustling from the bathroom as a young girl with red hair walked out the door.

"Good morning," the girl said walking over to one of the middle beds.

Katherine nodded, yawning sleepily.

"Most of the girls went down for breakfast, it's just you and Marlene who are still in bed" the redhead explained, folding her pyjamas neatly and tucking them back into her closet.

"You know Marls?" Katherine pried.

The girl nodded, "My friend Sev and I sat with them after some jerks made us leave another compartment".

"Oh, who were they?" Katherine asked grabbing her uniform off the coathangers.

"Some kid named James Potter and another called-".

"Sirius Black?" Katherine finished her sentence.

The girl nodded, "Yeah?".

"I'm a friend of Sirius's, don't worry they can be real mean at first but they're good people, truly".

"They didn't seem it, anyway, I'm Lily Evans".


Lily nodded, "Yeah, I saw your sorting, everyone seemed quite surprised".

Katherine smiled, "Yeah, my family comes from a long line of Slytherins".

"The sacred families? Sev told me about them" Lily pondered.

The two were interrupted by a loud yawn, coming from Marlene's messy bed.

"Agh!" she said rolling out of bed, "you two are so loud" she complained.

"Whatever," Lily said rolling her eyes, "if you two don't get ready you'll miss breakfast".

Katherine glanced at Marlene who seemed to have woken at the mention of missing the meal, "if we aren't there can you save me a hashbrown?" Marlene pleaded with Lily, rushing over to her closet.

Lily hummed as if mulling it over, "Maybe, but I can't guarantee I won't eat it while waiting for you".

This seemed to frighten Marlene as she grabbed a bundle of clothes in a flurry and dashed into the bathroom.

Katherine pouted at the lack of a bathroom as Lily smiled, walking out of the dorm room.


The Girls rushed down to the great hall feverishly, hoping that they hadn't missed breakfast.

They were in luck as when they reached the great hall it was barely full, clearly Lily had exaggerated the time that breakfast finished. Katherine smiled at the two Vacant seats Lily had left, tucking in her white shirt she sat down next to Lily.

"I thought you said that breakfast ended soon?" Katherine complained.

Lily shrugged, "20 minutes is soon".

Marlene shook her head, "I could've had 10 more minutes to finish my hair" she grumbled.

"Your hair looks fine" Lily protested.

Katherine frowned, "and I could've done my tie properly!".

Scoffing Marlene grabbed a scone, "Your tie looks perfect! It's almost scary how good you got it".

Katherine shook her head, reaching for one of the large jugs of orange juice, "My parents made me learn how to tie one when I was young, in preparation".

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