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"Why don't you patch up with Tashfeen Papa? Make him understand your stance again. Who knows he may understand you this time," she asserted, making his eyes go sharp due to growing resentment.

He chuckled. "He disowned me, Unaiza. He is only bearing me because of Mom."

She cupped his face between her palms and he stilled. "He is your father, Huzaifa. The blood relations never end over the wordy declarations. He loves you. If he isn't finding the courage to initiate the talk, why don't you do that instead? He is your elder."

He shook his head. "It is not as easy as you are thinking. Talking to him means leaving my passion, my work, and my recognition. There's no way I can do that."

"I am not telling you to leave what you love Huzaifa. It's like making a peace. You can again discuss this with Tashfeen Papa that whatever you are doing isn't bad and you still respect him," she told him.

He smiled. "He is also my father."

Unaiza sighed at this. That wasn't good at all. The issue wasn't that big but it was made into one because there was no effort of reconciliation from both sides. None wanted to lie low. Both of them didn't want to understand the other. Maybe this marriage occurred for this purpose. Tashfeen gave her very much affection and respect as a daughter. If she would show everyone that she wanted this marriage to work and she was happy with Huzaifa, Tashfeen might develop a soft spot for Huzaifa.

"He loves you. He cries for you and many times, I saw him scolding us for watching you on tv but he himself tuned into your work when he would think no one was watching him," she enlightened him.

Huzaifa grabbed her hands from his face and kissed them one by one. "Don't say that to make me feel good because I know Mr. Tashfeen can never do this."

"I am saying the truth," she mumbled.

He touched their noses together. That was a gesture he often did and she loved it every time. "I am not saying you aren't."

"Huzaifa, I won't let you do that. Tashfeen Papa and Aqia Mama will be very hurt. Please don't do that. At least don't let them become worried with respect to me. If you care for me then get this thought out of your mind. I won't ask for anything else from you. I promise that but I don't want them to become upset for me anymore," she sobbed hardly, alarmed at the fact that she cried.

Tears were falling from her eyes like a river had been made to flow. Huzaifa froze for a moment before he placed his palm over her cheek.

"Hey hey...why are you crying?" He asked.

Unaiza closed her eyes as she tried to wipe her face. "They are my savior, Huzaifa. If it wasn't for Aqia Mama, I wouldn't have been able to live a life like this. It slashes my heart to see her crying for me. You can do anything to me. You can remarry Inaya or anyone else and I will support you but please don't give them worry regarding me."

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