chapter 16

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"No matter what happens, or how much time passes, you will always be you"

While isla was making her way back home, her eyes caught a glimpse of an advertisement.

"Attention all culinary artists, restaurateurs, and passionate cooks! Seize this chance to showcase your skills. Join us, dazzle the audience, and you could walk away with fabulous prizes, widespread acclaim, and a grand reward. Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity!"

Seeing the add, a smile formed on Isla's lips.

The another day began and ended, but a plan said hello in Isla's mind. With a plan simmering in her thoughts, she approached Liam.

"Heyyyy Liammm~," Isla sang out, her voice a playful melody. Liam turned, his expression a canvas of bewilderment, clearly puzzled by Isla's sudden whimsy and the mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"My great favorite chef" Isla praised Liam with a cheeky voice followed by a cheeky smile.

"What is it?"
"Did you get in any trouble?"
"Or made trouble"
Liam raised his eyebrow on Isla's sudden change in behavior and showered her with questions.

"You see, we got a great opportunity" Isla said, taking a step towards Liam.

"What opportunity?"

"An opportunity to make our restaurant known" Isla answered. Determined, with a nod.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked, confused, not understanding anything.

"Last night," Isla said slowly, with a mischievous smile.

"Last night?" Liam repeated her words, growing impatient.

"When I was going back home..."

"When you were going back home?"

"Last night, when I was going back home," Isla continued, teasing Liam, making Liam's impatience bubble over.

"Isla, come on, hurry up!"
"I'm getting impatient," Liam complained, losing his composure, earning a laugh from Isla.

"Last night, when I was going back home, I saw an ad-a competition invitation," Isla completed the sentence quickly.

"And?" Liam replied, still not grasping the significance.

"And-we are going to participate in that competition," Isla declared, walking over to Liam and placing a hand on his shoulder, nodding with a serious look on her face.

"Who?" Liam asked, confused.

"You and I," Isla replied.

"What competition... for what?" Liam inquired.

"A cooking competition, arranged by national TV, downtown. I believe it will earn our restaurant more recognition and attract more customers," Isla explained, walking with her hands crossed on her chest before finally facing Liam.

"But... but what if we don't win?" Liam asked, his self-doubt evident, knowing he would be the one cooking.

As Liam voiced his concern, the atmosphere turned somber. The two stood in the middle of the dining hall, illuminated by soft lights. All the staff had left by now, leaving only Isla and Liam in the restaurant.

"Then it's no big deal," Isla reassured him, looking at Liam with a warm smile.

"How is that not a big deal? We'll be on TV; it'll look bad if our restaurant doesn't win..."

"We're not going to win money, but to win people's hearts. And to do that, we just have to be ourselves and give our best," Isla encouraged, taking steps towards Liam.

"And winning people will get us more customers compared to winning the show" she added, with a wink.

"And you just focus on cooking; leave the rest to your boss," Isla said with a smile, playfully tilting her head.

Liam didn't respond verbally but looked at Isla with an expression that was hard to read.

"Come on, I've tasted what you've cooked, and you're also the head chef. Believe in yourself a little," Isla urged, trying to boost Liam's confidence.

Liam finally relented, nodding with a small yet sincere smile on his lips.

"Very well," Isla said as she clapped her hands. "I'll fill out the form, and until it's D-day, we practice," Isla announced.

"Yes," Liam agreed, his resolve firming.

Isla started looking at her phone to find more about the competition.
Liam looked at the clock, realizing how late it was.

"OK Ok, there's still tomorrow, we can do the rest tomorrow, it's late, we should call it a day." Liam said.

"Ah right" Isla spared a glance on the clock as well, and realized how late it was.

"let's call it a day" Isla replied.

(2 days before the competition)

"Isla?" Liam called out Isla's name, as he stood outside of her house and ringed the bell.

"Coming!" Isla yelled from inside, rushing to open the door.

"Welcome" as Isla opened the wooden door, and faced Liam, she greeted him with a cheerful smile.
"Come in"

"Are you ready?" Liam asked Isla, worry visible in his voice.

"Ofcourse I am" Isla replied, handing a glass of water to Liam who made his way and sat on the grey sofa, that went well with the soft blue walls of the house.

"Are you nervous?" Isla asked, noticing Liam's nervousness.

"Ah... yeah..." he replied, his head suddenly going down and now his expressions more evident as he wasn't trying to hide his nervousness anymore.

"What are you thinking about?" Isla asked, sitting down infront of Liam on the sofa, the packed luggage stood near the door, waiting for them.

"I don't know... I wonder what will happen there..." Liam tried putting his feelings in words, fidgeting his fingers while still holding the glass.

"True" Isla agreed with Liam.
"No one knows what will happen later, so what is the use of worrying right now?
We can worry when something does happens or solve whatever trouble comes up instead of worrying, but for now, at this moment, i don't think there's anything wrong" Isla added, her voice a gentle melody with a serene look in her eyes.

"But will I... will I be able to solve whatever trouble comes up?" Liam doubted himself, his head still hung low.

"Why not?"
"I'm sure you must have faced many troubles till now but the fact that you are here means that you solved them all!, and in the future it will still be you, so you will be able to do or solve anything!"
"There are so many people who trust you Liam, including me" she finished with a serene smile flying on her lips and stars lightning up her eyes. The room felt less heavy, or maybe even lit up as she cradled Liam's hand between hers.

Liam finally raised his head, looking Isla in her eyes, a soft smile appearing on his lips, a look in his eyes that isla couldn't understand.

"Oh! I know something that will surely make you feel better!" With that she ran to the kitchen, while Liam's eyes followed her shadow as she ran to the kitchen for that something.

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